Unlocking the Potential of Polymorphism: Exploring 5 Practical Use-Cases for Code Reusability and Flexibility — Part 1

Mohsin Ali
7 min readJun 21, 2023


Welcome to our in-depth exploration of the potential of polymorphism! Polymorphism, a powerful concept in object-oriented programming (OOP), offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance code reusability, flexibility, and efficiency. In this article, we will delve into practical use-cases where polymorphism shines, enabling developers to create robust and scalable systems. We will uncover how polymorphism revolutionizes software development.

Learn more about polymorphism and its differences from inheritance in my detailed article. Dive into the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and expand your understanding. Access the article on polymorphism here to enhance your knowledge and gain valuable insights.

We will explore the practical application of polymorphism in five key use-cases. These include:

  • File handling
  • Notification systems
  • Database systems
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Encryption algorithms.

By delving into these examples, we will uncover the versatility and effectiveness of polymorphism in various domains. Let’s dive in and discover how polymorphism elevates these five use-cases to new heights.

File Handling:

Let’s delve into the example of working with different file formats using a common interface or superclass called `File`.

When dealing with various file formats, such as text files, image files, and video files, it can be cumbersome to handle each type separately. However, by leveraging polymorphism, we can create a unified approach to work with these files efficiently.

To achieve this, we start by defining a common interface or superclass called `File`. This interface/superclass provides a set of methods that are common to all file types, such as `open()`, `read()`, and `close()`. These methods encapsulate the necessary operations to handle files, regardless of their specific formats.

Next, we create specific file classes, such as `TextFile`, `ImageFile`, and `VideoFile`, which inherit from the `File` superclass or implement the `File` interface. Each of these classes is responsible for implementing the common methods according to its specific file format.

For example, the `TextFile` class would provide its own implementation of the `open()`, `read()`, and `close()` methods specific to text files. The `ImageFile` class, on the other hand, would have its own implementation of these methods tailored to image files, while the `VideoFile` class would implement them for video files.

By creating this hierarchy of file classes, we can now treat all file objects uniformly. This means that regardless of whether we have a `TextFile`, `ImageFile`, or `VideoFile` object, we can use the same set of methods (`open()`, `read()`, `close()`) to interact with them.

This polymorphic behavior allows us to work with different file formats interchangeably. For example, we can write code that accepts a `File` object as a parameter and performs operations like opening, reading, and closing the file without having to worry about the specific file format.

By leveraging polymorphism, we achieve code reusability, as the common file operations are encapsulated in the superclass or interface. It also simplifies code maintenance and enhances flexibility, as we can easily add new file types by creating additional classes that inherit from the `File` superclass or implement the `File` interface.

In summary, the use of polymorphism in file handling allows us to abstract away the differences between various file formats and treat them uniformly using a common interface or superclass. This promotes code organization, reusability, and flexibility when working with different types of files.

Notification System:

In a messaging or notification system, you often encounter different types of notifications, such as emails, SMS messages, and push notifications. Each notification type requires specific handling and delivery mechanisms tailored to its delivery channel. Polymorphism provides an elegant solution to handle these diverse notification types efficiently.

To begin, we can create a common interface or superclass called `Notification`. This interface/superclass defines a set of methods that are shared by all notification types. In this case, let’s consider a single method called `send()`, which is responsible for sending the notification.

Next, we implement specific notification classes that inherit from the `Notification` superclass or implement the `Notification` interface. Each of these classes represents a different notification type, such as `EmailNotification`, `SMSNotification`, and `PushNotification`.

Each specific notification class implements the `send()` method according to its unique delivery mechanism. For example, the `EmailNotification` class would provide an implementation of the `send()` method specific to sending emails, including the necessary steps like composing the email, setting recipients, and using the appropriate SMTP server to send the email.

Similarly, the `SMSNotification` class would implement the `send()` method to handle sending SMS messages, considering factors like message formatting, recipients’ phone numbers, and utilizing SMS gateways or APIs for message delivery.

The `PushNotification` class, on the other hand, would have its own implementation of the `send()` method, which involves sending notifications to mobile devices through push notification services like Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) or Apple Push Notification Service (APNS).

By leveraging polymorphism, we can now treat all notification objects uniformly. This means that regardless of whether we have an `EmailNotification`, `SMSNotification`, or `PushNotification` object, we can use the same `send()` method to trigger the delivery of the notification.

This polymorphic behavior enables us to send notifications through various channels in a unified way. We can write code that accepts a `Notification` object as a parameter and invokes the `send()` method without having to worry about the specific notification type.

In summary, using polymorphism and a common interface or superclass like `Notification`, we can create a unified approach to handle different notification types in a messaging or notification system. This promotes code organization, reusability, and flexibility when dealing with diverse delivery channels, ensuring notifications are sent efficiently and reliably across various mediums.

Database Systems:

In a database management system, it’s common to work with different types of databases, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc. Each database type requires specific handling and operations, but we can leverage polymorphism to create a unified approach to interact with these databases.

To begin, we can create a superclass called `DatabaseConnection`, which serves as a common interface for all database connections. This superclass can define a set of methods that are shared by all database types, such as `connect()`, `query()`, and `disconnect()`.

Next, we can implement specific database connection classes that inherit from the `DatabaseConnection` superclass. Each subclass represents a different database type, such as `MySQLConnection`, `PostgreSQLConnection`, and `OracleConnection`.

Each specific database connection class provides its own implementation of the methods defined in the `DatabaseConnection` superclass. For example, the `MySQLConnection` class would implement the `connect()`, `query()`, and `disconnect()` methods specifically for MySQL database operations, utilizing the MySQL driver and executing SQL queries specific to MySQL syntax.

Similarly, the `PostgreSQLConnection` class would implement the methods according to PostgreSQL’s requirements, while the `OracleConnection` class would do the same for Oracle databases. Each subclass handles the details of connecting to the respective database, executing queries, and managing the connection’s lifecycle specific to its database type.

By using polymorphism, we can treat all database connection objects uniformly, regardless of their specific types. This means that we can write code that accepts a `DatabaseConnection` object as a parameter and invokes common methods like `connect()`, `query()`, and `disconnect()` without needing to be aware of the specific database type.

This polymorphic behavior allows for code reusability and flexibility. For example, you can write a generic database operation method that accepts a `DatabaseConnection` object and performs a query, regardless of the underlying database type. This enables you to easily switch between different database connections or add support for new database types without modifying the core logic of the database operation method.

In summary, using polymorphism and a common superclass like `DatabaseConnection`, we can create a unified approach to handle different types of database connections in a database management system. This promotes code organization, reusability, and flexibility when dealing with diverse databases, ensuring consistent database operations across multiple database types.

Discover More Examples of Polymorphism: Payment Gateways and Encryption Algorithms!

If you found the previous examples of polymorphism intriguing, you’ll be thrilled to explore even more real-world use-cases in the second part of this article. In Part 2, we delve into two fascinating domains: payment gateways and encryption algorithms.

In the payment gateway example, we’ll examine how polymorphism can simplify the integration of multiple payment providers, allowing seamless payment processing regardless of the specific gateway used. You’ll witness how a common interface can be employed to handle payment transactions uniformly, offering flexibility and scalability to your payment processing system.

Additionally, we’ll dive into the realm of encryption algorithms, where polymorphism plays a crucial role in securing sensitive data. We’ll explore how different encryption algorithms, such as AES, RSA, and Blowfish, can be implemented using polymorphism, providing a unified interface to encrypt and decrypt data regardless of the underlying algorithm.

If you’re eager to see how polymorphism can empower payment processing and enhance data security, don’t miss out on Part 2 of this article. Follow the link below to embark on an exciting journey into the world of payment gateways and encryption algorithms!

Read Part 2: Unlocking the Potential of Polymorphism: Exploring 5 Practical Use-Cases for Code Reusability and Flexibility



Mohsin Ali

Introducing Mohsin Ali, a tech enthusiast, and explorer. With a passion for innovation, I simplify complex concepts, sharing tech wonders through articles.