Chapter 1: A Dilemma, a Leap of Faith and Weeks of Preparation

Monica Thukkaram
5 min readMay 20, 2023


Picture courtesy Isha from Sainji

In the days leading up to my decision to embark on the Everest Base Camp trek, a whirlwind of emotions consumed me. The seed of adventure had been planted, but doubt and uncertainty threatened to take root alongside it.

As I stood at the precipice of a life-altering decision, I found myself caught between the comfort of the known and the allure of the unknown. Belgium, my beautiful home, held within its walls a cherished memories and a sense of security that had become second nature. The thought of leaving behind the familiar streets, the cozy embrace of my comfortable home, and the predictable routines that defined my life felt both exhilarating and terrifying.

Yet, within the depths of my being, a restless yearning stirred. It was a longing to break free from the chains of convention and embrace a nomadic existence. And this desire was not born in isolation. It was nurtured and inspired by the influence of my husband—a man who had always sought out challenges, defying the odds with an unwavering spirit.

Setbacks and obstacles had marred my husband’s own entrepreneurial journey, but he never allowed those moments to define him. Instead, he saw them as stepping stones on the path to growth and success. His audacity to defy societal norms and live life on his own terms had left an strong impression on my heart. He had shown me that true fulfillment lay in stepping outside the boundaries of comfort, in daring to chase dreams that others deemed impossible.

Through his example, I had come to realize that the constraints of societal expectations were merely illusions, shackles that hold us back from reaching our true potential. He had opened my eyes to a world where happiness was not measured by wealth or status but by the richness of experiences and the depth of personal growth.

With each passing day, the dilemma within me intensified. I grappled with the decision to quit my job—a stable career that had provided financial security and a sense of purpose. Leaving behind colleagues who had become friends, and bidding farewell to the routine that had given structure to my days—it all seemed like an immense risk. The fear of the unknown loomed large, whispering doubts into the recesses of my mind.

Yet, deep within, I knew that I couldn't ignore the call of the mountains. The yearning to explore uncharted territories and to delve into the depths of my own soul compelled me forward. I had reached a crossroads—a moment of reckoning where the choice to embrace uncertainty and embark on a transformative journey lay before me.

A newfound understanding emerged as I evaluated my priorities and sought solace in moments of introspection. Life was not meant to be a series of checkboxes, a predictable path leading from one milestone to another, atleast that’s not how I pictured my life would be.

It was during this period of reflection that I realized my decision to quit my job was not an act of rebellion but an act of self-discovery. I had come to recognize that my true purpose lay beyond the confines of a corporate office. The pursuit of financial security alone was no longer enough. I yearned for personal growth, for experiences that would shape me in profound ways.

In the midst of this internal struggle, the idea of a nomadic life began to take root. The Everest Base Camp trek became a symbol—a gateway to the world of exploration and adventure. But even as I envisioned the breathtaking vistas and the challenges that lay ahead, there was a part of me that hesitated.

I had chosen to keep my decision hidden from my parents, knowing that their concerns and worries would overshadow the excitement that filled my heart. It was an act of love and consideration—a desire to shield them from unnecessary anxiety. Only my husband was privy to my plan, and he became my confidant, the one who safeguarded my secret.

With each passing day, my mind swirled with questions. What would the future hold? How would I navigate the uncertainties of a nomadic life? Doubts gnawed at me, threatening to lessen my confidence. Yet, in the depths of my being, I knew that this was a path I had to explore.

And so, with a mixture of fear and excitement, I took the leap of faith. I bid farewell to my stable career, knowing that I was stepping into the unknown. The path ahead was shrouded in mist, obscured by uncertainty, but I was driven by a thirst for self-discovery and a determination to live life on my own terms.

In the weeks that followed, I immersed myself in meticulous preparations. Physical training, mental fortitude, and acquiring the necessary gear became my daily pursuits. Each step was a one step closer to my transformative journey.

As I packed my bags, a jumble of emotions coursed through my veins. Fear, excitement and uncertainty. It was a kaleidoscope of feelings—that reminded me I was truly alive.

With my husband’s support and the strength I had discovered within myself, I stood on the precipice of a new chapter. The decision to embark on the Everest Base Camp trek was not just about conquering physical challenges; it was an affirmation of my own resilience and a declaration that I would not be defined by societal norms.

And so, with a heart filled with both determination and vulnerability, I took my first step. The journey to Everest Base Camp would not only test my physical limits but also push me to confront my deepest fears, redefine my priorities, and uncover a strength within myself that I never knew existed. It was a leap worth taking, a decision that would set the stage for a transformative chapter in my life.

As I walked away from the familiar and embraced the unknown, a sense of liberation washed over me. The journey had just begun, and I knew that the path ahead would be arduous and challenging. But armed with courage and a spirit of adventure, I was ready to face the trials and tribulations that awaited me.

Little did I know that the days ahead would be filled with breathtaking landscapes, unexpected friendships, and moments of profound self-discovery. The decision to embark on this nomadic life, to set foot on the path less traveled, would forever shape the person I was to become.

And so, with my heart brimming with hope, I set forth on the adventure of a lifetime, ready to embrace the unknown and surrender to the transformative power of the mountains.

To be continued………


Read : Chapter 2



Monica Thukkaram

Indian, living in Belgium since 2014. Writes about my solo travel adventures, Yoga and books