Weeknotes 20 — Getting on with it

Ste Montgomery
2 min readAug 5, 2019


Port Eliot / Getting on with it / Asking for feedback

Port Eliot

My week started in Cornwall at the final Port Eliot festival, my first time there. What a triumph it was.

Highlights included swimming in the river, Max Porter discussing his book Lanny, Pip Blom enthusiastically singing songs, Sarit and Itamar from Honey & Co talking and cooking, and Luke Turner reading from his book about Epping Forest. And of course the inspiring Charlotte Church and her late night pop dungeon :)

Aldous Harding, who played at Port Eliot

Getting on with it

I wasn’t feeling great on Tuesday and by Wednesday felt worse so only lasted an hour before going home.

By then we’d already done some useful work together as a team to get a sense of what’s in and out of scope for our discovery. It was good to remember that it’s only our second week.

We missed our show and tell slot on Wednesday, but did present to our lovely expert advice team on Friday. We had a useful chat too, and it’ll be really cool to work together on it.

I’m really pleased with where we’re at, so with a clear plan developing the challenge now is to get on and do it — lovely.

Asking for feedback

On Friday afternoon I asked 20 people I’ve worked with in my 11 months at Citizens Advice for some feedback. Just a couple of questions to help me reflect and improve, sent in a survey with optional anonymity.

Matt did it a few months back and I’ve been meaning to do it for a while. When I’ve done this before it’s been fewer people and usually tied to more formal appraisal type stuff.

I already have some very useful responses, and am starting to see some themes develop. I recommend doing it :)

What else?

A London-based grasshopper on my tomatoes :)

