What’s Sweet in the sUIte (2nd)

Moshe Weiss
2 min readAug 29, 2016


Remember the previous post? I tried to emphasize how simple, intuitive and sweet is our UI.

Well, in the 2nd post of this series I would like to talk about our tabs. tabs now are available also for Storage Management while running long flows on your Environment.

We found out, after several researches, that storage administrators are running long tasks that are including atomic actions, one after the another (sequentially). There may be dependencies between the atomic actions, each one is completed in various state, but at the end the requested result should be the flow result.

For instance, flow like: “evacuate a host from the lab” seems short but it hides a lot of dependencies and configurations needed, atomic actions, in order to achieve it. Some of them may be devastating and needs great focus and double checks, some others are simple.

Anyhow, the user needs a simple way to track the flow and do the atomic steps one by one, remember what he did and finalize his flow successfully without mistakes.

Using our tabs, the user can now open multiple contexts in parallel, in real time and apply one after the another, checking that all the steps are completed towards the flow result.

Here is a short video to emphasize the sweet tabs feature.

Come to see it closely and feel the charm, hands on: @IBMEdge, Vegas, 19-Sep (Monday) at 15:45 or 17:00, room 317 Lab Center D.

Try the Most Advanced Storage Management Application in the world yourself. Help us to improve!”

Are you a Storage IT Professional? Come to test with us the next release of XIV and IBM FlashSystem Next Generation UI. After the first launch on February this year, we are ready to launch the next release that takes it to a new level!

Starting from new features, through user experiences changes, and a new big announcement — creating the most advanced Storage Management application even more advanced, easing your administration, sewed to your cloud environment.

Join us to a hands on lab, participate in a big user study, be the first one to witness the next great things of a market leader in Storage Management, produced by IBM Spectrum Accelerate, the software that drives XIV and IBM FlashSystems.

