Creating Quick Websites with Adobe Experience Manager’s Site Templates: Unlock the Potential of Your Website with AEM’s Quick Site Creation Feature

2 min readDec 20, 2022


Let’s face it, a typical AEM development project is complex and takes time! Now, this doesn’t work well where all you need is a simple website ( think of that microsite that you’d need for a quick launch campaign of one of your new products).

For this sort of use case, a “templatized CMS” proves to be the best solution with ready-to-use themes/templates (does WordPress ring a bell here?!).

That’s exactly the ground covering Adobe is doing here with the launch of AEM’s Quick Site Creation feature, to get into the space of “templatized CMS” market share.

  1. A non-technical user, without any previous deployment, can initialize a new site, using “Site Templates”.
  2. A front-end developer (yes! with no AEM expertise at all!!) can update and deploy the themes, as needed (by running a proxy instance of an AEM prod instance locally, so at any time work is done on actual content).
  3. The marketing team can create actual content from “Day 1”, by dragging and dropping the core components on the page.
  4. Now if there is a need, a back-end developer with AEM expertise can still fully extend the created site.

The beauty of this is that the different tracks can truly run in parallel, so Adobe’s “90 days go-live with Digital Foundation” can now come down to as short as 30 days.

Now add the Front-End Pipeline capabilities introduced in Cloud Manager, and you have a “Quick CI/CD” too, fully complementing the “Quick Site Creation” process.

