Boosting Productivity with Top Remote Work Tips

Mousona Poddar
5 min readMay 24, 2024


Discover seven effective strategies to maximize productivity while working remotely with these top tips.

Employee in remote job

If you’re thinking about how to be a productive remote worker or how remote work affects your productivity then this blog is for you. Read here to learn how professionals enhance their productivity with flexible work arrangements outside the traditional office environment.

Build a Dedicated Workspace

One of the key factors in increasing productivity while working remotely is creating a dedicated workspace. This space should be separate from your living area to minimize distractions. It could be a spare room, a corner of your bedroom, or even a designated spot at your dining table.

Add some picture frames, plants, decorative cup holders, or even a lamp to personalize your workspace. A creative workspace can boost your productivity to a new level. This helps to maintain focus and establish a routine.

Make sure your workspace is comfortable and ergonomically designed. Invest in a good chair and desk setup to avoid any physical discomfort which can affect your spine health. Keep all the necessary equipment, such as your laptop, charger, and stationery, within reach to minimize interruptions.

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Setting Clear Goals and Deadlines

Once you’ve established your dedicated workspace, set clear boundaries and expectations with those who impact your work. The main parties involved are your household members (family, roommates, or pets) and your coworkers (team members and boss).

Take time to discuss and agree on where you’ll be working, how to signal that you shouldn’t be interrupted, and what your work hours are with your family, roommates, or partner.

Establishing a Routine

Establishing a routine is crucial for remote workers to stay productive. Without the structure of a traditional office environment, it’s easy to lose track of time and fall into unproductive habits.

Creating a weekly work schedule (including your meal plan) and listing your tasks is highly recommended. Sticking to this schedule will help you establish consistency and maintain a routine.

Start your day at a fixed time and follow a morning routine to get yourself in the right mindset for work. This could include exercising, meditating, or having a healthy breakfast.

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Plan out your work tasks for the day and prioritize them based on importance and deadlines. Break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable chunks to make them more achievable.

Minimizing Distractions

Minimizing distractions is crucial for remote workers to maintain productivity.

Start by identifying the main sources of distraction in your environment and find ways to minimize or eliminate them. This could include turning off notifications on your phone, closing unnecessary tabs on your computer, or using noise-canceling headphones to block out background noise.

If you live with other people, communicate your need for uninterrupted work time and establish boundaries. Let them know your work schedule and ask for their cooperation in minimizing distractions.

Take Smaller and Intense Work Intervals

Designate specific break times to give yourself a chance to recharge. Use this time to stretch, do deep breathing exercises, go for a walk, or engage in activities that help you relax and refocus. It’s also essential for your eye health. You can set a timer as a reminder to take a specific break.

Indulge in Healthy Snacks

Stocking up on healthy snacks can be a lifesaver, helping to harmonize your health and work. A nutritious snack now and then boosts productivity and keeps you energized. Additionally, indulging in healthy snacks provides mini-breaks that refresh your mind during busy routines.

Some of them are:

Fox nuts or Lotus seeds

Roasted Chickpeas or Peanuts

Fruits and Nuts

One Apple with Peanut Butter

Carrots and Cucumbers with roasted Chickpeas or Peanuts.

Work From Home Productivity Tools

There are numerous tools and platforms available that can help remote teams stay connected and collaborate seamlessly.

Use video conferencing tools like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet for virtual meetings and discussions. These tools can enhance communication and foster a sense of connection among team members.

Collaboration platforms like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Trello can be used for real-time messaging, file sharing, and project management. These platforms enable teams to collaborate on tasks, share updates, and stay organized.

Utilize project management tools like Asana, Trello, or Jira to track progress, assign tasks, and set deadlines. These tools provide a centralized hub for managing projects and help keep everyone on the same page.

Remote Work Productivity Statistics

Ironically, despite reporting distractions and time spent on non-work activities, some people claim they are adequately productive at home, as shown by multiple polls:

  • According to data from Upgraded Points, 63% of women and 55% of men say they are productive working from home.
  • A poll by Mmhmm found that 51% of employees believe working asynchronously or setting their schedule boosts their productivity.
  • Another Mmhmm poll revealed that 43% of people feel most productive in the office, while 42% feel most productive at home.

Conversely, some employees feel more productive in the office. Those onsite report being 11% more likely to feel productive on busy days than other workers. Remote employees are 33% less likely to feel productive when working collaboratively compared to onsite or hybrid employees, according to data from Deputy.

Numerous studies have examined productivity, and there are many explanations for why remote work reduces it.

According to the Stanford paper, these include challenges in communication and coordination; loneliness and lack of social interaction; reduced creativity due to multitasking rather than focused, in-person collaboration; and a decline in learning, mentoring, and feedback.


LinkedIn Poll
LinkedIn Poll Result

I got this result from my LinkedIn community. It’s quite difficult to say whether remote work increases productivity. It depends on the individual’s personality and role. Remote work can be more productive than the typical office job. A proper workspace, clear communication with your family and colleagues, following a schedule, mindful breaks, using some tools, and healthy food habits are essential to staying productive in a remote job.

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Mousona Poddar

I love writing on health, fitness, mental health & self-improvement. Open to gigs: