Fitness Fads & Timeless Trends: What Stays on My “Movement Menu”

Javier Luis Gomez
3 min readNov 9, 2023


Another workout fad?

Every day, it feels like there’s a new exercise trend, a cutting-edge workout routine, or a groundbreaking piece of equipment gracing our social media feeds and YouTube channels.

Honestly, it’s kind of overwhelming.

And there’s a part of me that’s skeptical. How many of these trends genuinely offer long-term benefits?

Every once in a while, I’ll see another one- and maybe I’ll give it a go.

As I’ve grown in my journey, I’ve learned to sift through the noise, to spot the fads from the real deals, and to tailor a routine that’s uniquely mine.

Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash

The Classics that Never Go Out of Style

Every era has its trends, but there’s a reason classics remain just that — classic.

Bodyweight exercises like squats or push-ups are as timeless as exercise itself. They are basic, need no equipment, and yet remain as effective as they’ve ever been.

Moreover, because of how bare bones they are, they get you in touch with the essence of the movement. Something that’s easy to overlook when workouts are complicated by a lot of gizmos or bells and whistles.

And then there’s yoga.

Though I confess it took me a while to warm up to yoga — especially in its western commercialised form, whenever I meet true practitioners, I’m taken about by how strong, supple, and flexible they are.

There is wisdom in the age-old postures, the rhythmic flow, and the synchronicity of breath and movement.

There’s a reason these movements have persistent for millennia.

What makes these classics everlasting?

Their simplicity, versatility, and most importantly, their resonance with our natural movement patterns. They don’t need fancy gadgets or viral marketing; their efficacy speaks for itself.

Merging Old and New: My Approach

Embracing the classics doesn’t mean turning a blind eye to variety.

Fitness, like all fields, benefits from progress and new perspectives.

In my journey, the magic has been in striking a balance, in merging the wisdom of time-tested practices with the variety of new insights and methods.

Recently, I’ve come to appreciate the “Animal Flow” movement and the Locomotion movements taught by GMB Fitness. Though they revolve around core bodyweight movements — their unique presentation, and fun combinations make it fresh and interesting.

It beautifully blends the age-old principles of bodyweight training with innovative techniques, making it a mainstay on my Movement Menu.

The key lies in discernment.

It’s about recognizing the core essence of a practice, irrespective of its age, and integrating it into your routine if it aligns with your goals and resonates with your spirit.

Social Media Influence: Sifting Through the Hype

With the dawn of Instagram, TikTok, and countless other platforms, fitness influencers have risen as the new-age gurus.

Their routines, diets, and lifestyles are broadcasted daily, and it’s easy to be swept up by the allure.

I mean, who hasn’t been tempted by that viral 30-day challenge or that exotic superfood smoothie?

While many influencers genuinely contribute to the fitness discourse, there’s a line between inspiration and imitation. During my hikes, I’ve often come across breathtaking views that no camera can truly capture.

Similarly, what works for an influencer, with their specific body type, lifestyle, and resources, might not be a perfect fit for you or me.

The key? Take inspiration, but always adapt and adjust based on your needs.

As an entrepreneur, I’ve learned that while it’s essential to understand trends, true success lies in authentic and individual expression.

The same philosophy applies to fitness.

The Evergreen Philosophy: Listen to Your Body

Through the maze of trends, apps, and influencer recommendations, there’s one compass that has always guided me right: my body.

In today’s world, where data and metrics often drive our routines, the art of tuning into one’s body seems almost revolutionary.

Yet, it’s the most organic feedback mechanism we have.

Remember my Movement Menu?

While it’s influenced by trends and platforms, its foundation lies in what feels right for my body at any given moment.

Listening doesn’t mean shunning external advice. Instead, it’s about marrying external knowledge with internal wisdom.

It’s understanding that while the world of fitness might offer a ton of choices, the one that’s best for you right now is what your body knows it needs.

Learn to listen!



Javier Luis Gomez

I believe real health can’t be bought- only built. ⭐️ If you want help on how to build health, follow and read along.