Stop doubting yourself

Craig Riviere
2 min readApr 15, 2016


“I’m good enough”, “I’m smart enough”, “I can do it”. Are statements we should be telling ourselves when we are going through moments of self doubt. Have you ever had that feeling where you cannot picture yourself being the person you want to be or want to become? But let me tell you…

“You can be whatever or whoever you want to be.”

There are many variables that can throw us into self doubt. These doubts can be due to test results, work feedback, media, friends or even family. These are all factors that can place doubt in ourselves making us believe that we are not capable of achieving the most simple of goals such as passing a driving test or not experienced enough to get a better job or not thin enough to wear that dress. But the only factor that is really holding you back from all of that is YOU.

You are the only factor getting in the way, this world is massive and full of opportunities with several paths to reach them and if you cannot find a path then you create one. Don’t worry about people that have non constructive opinions to share about you or what test results say about your ability to achieve, your ability is in your control not on a piece of paper that hasn’t really got value to the moments of your life.

When you have any doubt in yourself you need to begin working out how to get rid of it, dissolve it, dance on it, chuck it away whatever you have to do to restore positive thoughts about yourself. So…

If you want to be a driver… BE IT
If you want to be a high achieving student… BE IT
If you want to model… DO IT
If you want to get a top paying job… DO IT

BE or DO whatever you want, the only thing in your way is you.

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