Finding My Customer Avatar

P S Sangeeth RaJ
7 min readMar 16, 2020

Hey Guys, So glad to meet you again with my second assignment or second step towards my goal. I thank you all for the encouragement and kind words I received for my first assignment which I am so grateful for. And if you haven’t read my first blog. You can read it here. So this time I hope I will finish the Second assignment within the deadline. So let’s roll our sleeves and get into the Main Topic.

The Golden Rule

Learn. Do. Teach

As we already know this rule from the first class. I just wanna let you know why this is called as Golden Rule. After completing my first blog, I couldn’t believe that I wrote a blog for more than 1200 Words. The first step I took in this Internship is to Learn to write a blog. When I executed what I learned I was amazed that even I can write. For me, writing is really a daunting task which I never thought I can do. But I made it with my first blog post with minimum knowledge, for me yes it’s an achievement and I learned it Now I am Doing it again so that I can understand it properly. This rule is just to convert our learning to Understanding. If we understand it properly then we can teach it to anyone.

I am pretty sure that this blog will be better than the first one because I am practicing it again and henceforth. This rule can be applied to any area in our life. As I have already said Learning is the first step to success and If you are taking the first step you will eventually reach the path to success.

Mistakes are future-benefits

If we are not doing mistakes we are not trying something new.

We tend to do mistakes when we are trying to learn something new. We all would have faced this situation when we try to converse in English with our friends or someone, we would have definitely made some errors which we ourselves rectified it and now we are far better than that. If we never made that mistake we would haven’t learned this language properly right? So mistakes are part of the process as Deepak Sir said There is no such thing as a perfect thing. Everything has its own flaws we just don’t have to focus on it, just learn from it and move on. Never be afraid of your mistakes be afraid of not taking any steps.

I failed to attend the first class and also missed to submit my first assignment on time, I know its a mistake and It was completely on me. Even after the deadline, I wrote and submitted my blog where I never cared about being late because I dare to do it at any cost.

Mistakes are the values which are yet to be realized.

Without mistakes, you can’t become a perfectionist. The only way to become a perfectionist is to

Learn + Do Mistakes + Keep Learning = Perfection

What is Marketing?

Before this Internship, For me, Marketing is Selling something to the customer to make money. But the real marketing is when you have the skill to converse well to make it a good conversation.

Marketing is about a good conversation.

We all knew Deepak Sir and he is a pro when it comes to Marketing, If we think back we can notice at any point in time he never sounded like he wanna sell something to us. He just created a good conversation with us through his Emails with stunning content and tips by addressing our problems and doubts in DM which made us join this program. He never sold anything instead he just gave a solution for our problems by Interacting with us. That’s marketing.

If you wanna become better at marketing you should become better at conversation. The conversation is the fundamental skill for Marketing.

If you can’t converse well 1:1, You cannot converse well 1: many.

Deepak Sir stated if we wanna write well we should write as if we are going to write in for one person or to our friend and the easiest way to do is to write it in a form of an Email. When you write an email to someone we know We never sound nervous we ll just write with the friendly flow which makes it more personal for the reader. That’s how you can improve your writing. If you wanna be a good writer, write it for one person.

Be Authentic to Communicate Better

Being authentic is more important when it comes to communication. Why everyone should listen to you if you are gonna sound the same as others? What makes you different from them? It’s your Authenticity which separates you from others. In this world, everyone is tired of fake people and personas.

Everyone is attracted to someone real.

Show how unique you are and persons will like you. Because we all like uniqueness and the same applies to everyone. Being yourself is the best thing and a reward you can give your self rather than copying someone else. If you are unique and authentic people with eventually like you and consider your values. There will also be someone who never likes you, its because they don’t value themselves and remember you can’t make everyone happy. Your job is to be yourself and the right one will like you.

Be yourself and do your work.

Who is a better marketer?

We all will say Digital Deepak is the one. But do you know who he thinks as a better marketer?

People with more life experiences are better marketers. So this sums our answers as well. The person with new experiences has learned something new Which we never know. Learning from them makes us travel along with their experiences. Even if you are learning something new you are taking one step towards a better marketer. We tend to learn from those who know more than we know. It because they already have the experience we like to have. Learn something new always and do new things all the time.

Who is your Audience?

In Marketing, We discussed that we should sound like we are talking to one person. To find who is that one person we have to discover our Customer Avatar through the target audience.

If everyone is your audience, then no one is your audience.

How to define your target audience?

We can define our target audience with Demographics and Psychographics.

Demographics is identifying our customers through age, education, job role, gender.

Psychographics is identifying our customer’s likes, interests, emotions, and values.

We can create our ideal customer avatar with a combination of demographic and psychographic. Define your customer avatar with a survey and find who matches your criteria. Create a Customer avatar for those audiences with the Name and Picture so that you can pitch your product to that one person with 1:1 conversation.

As Deepak sir said, Connect with the Customer Avatar as 1:1, through Email and make your pitch precise and to the point so that they don’t feel that you are off the topic.

My Ideal Customer Avatar

My Niche is Providing Design Solutions for Companys, FreeLancers, and Individuals.

My First Avatar Name is Veena, Aged between 25–30 from Kerala, who runs her own digital marketing agency, at present use online tools for design and looking for a freelance designer to help her with Social Media Post and Proposals Designs.

My Second Avatar name is Vishnu, aged between 30–35 from Chennai, working as an employee, needs a Caricature design for his wedding to send an E-Invitation.

Survey Form Link :


Customer Avatar makes you to target your audience efficiently and effectively where you will be pitching directly to the audience who has a requirement. In Digital Marketing we can target our customers with the customer avatar which brings more sales and benefits. If you have your customer avatar ready it is a piece of cake job to make the audience your customer through your content and service.

Hey guys, Hope you like this blog post, please feel free to share your thoughts, I am open for all your feedback.

I will see you guys again with the next article. Until then, this is Sangeeth Signing off.

