My First Experience In Pair Programming

2 min readJun 23, 2019


Have you ever heard about pair programming? This is a story about my first pair programming. If you unfamiliar with pair programming, pair programming is a software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation. I knew and learn pair programming on Go Academy mini bootcamp but now I do pair programming with my team as a System Engineer Intern.

Hasil gambar untuk pair programming
image from google

Knowing Someone With Pair Programming

On that team, I pair with William we work at Gate an open source SSO by Go-Jek, Gate is written in Ruby and we never have experience in Ruby project before, so before we start pair at that project we decide to explore about Gate and Ruby. It does not take a long time to understand Gate and Ruby, after that we start pair programming. We do ping-pong programming, ping-pong programming is one of technique in pair programming he write test case and then I write the implementation and vice versa. There is many benefit in pair programming one of the benefits is I can talking while programming, So I can know about him deeply. Our background in programming is a little bit different because I am Vocational Graduates who experience programming in creating some project or product, and William is person who love competitive programming, he also a pelatnas toki when he in college, but our background differences are not a problem.

Pair can complement each other

I am a person who remembers something in my mind and lazy to write something. I know writing is important but sometimes I think just keep in my mind is enough. My pair is different he always write something and then discusses with me, oh yaa most of our time in pair programming is discuss about problem and solution, often he write my solution or argument and then ask again to me what the reason why I chose that. We like complement each other, it makes me challenging because I must give the best arguments to convince him, maybe that's way my mentor teach me about bias and fallacies. My mentor is great because besides he know deep in technology and programming he also teach me about philosophy. If you want knew more about my mentor you can see here

