Lesson #3 Offer a High-Value Lead Magnet

3 min read3 days ago


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In the last couple of lessons, we’ve set the stage for attracting your ideal clients.

You’ve nailed down your unique offer, figured out who your target audience is, and started creating valuable LinkedIn content that speaks to them.

In this lesson, we’re stepping it up with a tried-and-true strategy that will get your ideal clients excited to engage with you further: High-Value Lead Magnets.

When I mention lead magnets, you might be thinking of webinars, masterclasses, or even e-books, right?

Here’s the thing: while those types of lead magnets can provide value, they often fall short when it comes to long-term engagement.

Think about it: when someone downloads an ebook, what usually happens? They skim through a few pages, then life gets busy and it gets buried in their downloads folder, never to be seen again.

Or they sign up for a webinar, watch it once, and then promptly forget about it.

The problem with these types of lead magnets is that they don’t create a sense of ongoing connection or engagement. They’re a one-and-done deal, rather than the start of a meaningful relationship.

That’s where a high-value email course comes in.

An email course is a series of focused lessons sent straight to your ideal client’s inbox over a period of several days or weeks.

Each lesson builds on the one before it that guides them towards a specific end goal or result.

Here’s why email courses are a game-changer when it comes to engagement:

1. They keep your ideal clients hooked over time. By showing up in their inbox day after day with valuable insights and guidance, you stay top of mind and keep them excited to hear from you.

2. They create a sense of momentum and progress. Each lesson builds on the one before it, so your ideal clients feel like they’re making tangible progress towards their goals. This keeps them motivated to keep opening and engaging with your emails.

3. They give you multiple opportunities to build trust and show your expertise. With each lesson, you’re demonstrating your coaching skills and proving that you have the knowledge and experience to help them achieve their desired outcome.

4. They make the transition from lead to client feel natural and organic. By the end of the course, your ideal clients have gotten to know, like, and trust you. They’ve seen the value you provide firsthand, so taking the next step to work with you feels like a no-brainer.

To create a high-value email course lead magnet, follow this simple formula:

1. Pinpoint the specific end goal or result you want your ideal clients to achieve by the end of the course.

2. Break it down into 5–7 key lessons or action steps, each building on the one before it and leading towards that end goal.

3. Add your unique voice and coaching style into the mix, letting your personality shine through.

4. Package it up with an eye-catching title, a clear description, and a simple sign-up process.

5. Promote it strategically through your LinkedIn content, profile, and even targeted ads to get it in front of more of your ideal clients.

Here’s an example for our “career transition coach for burned-out tech professionals”:

Title: “5 Days to Clarity: Find Your Path to a Fulfilling New Career (Without Taking a Pay Cut)”

Lesson 1: 5 Skills and strengths that will give you an edge in your new field

Lesson 2: Zero in on the industries and roles that match your values and ideal lifestyle

Lesson 3: Craft a compelling career change story that highlights your transferable skills

Lesson 4: Create a targeted networking plan to make valuable connections in your new industry

Lesson 5: Build an action plan to make your career switch a reality (with templates and resources)

See how each lesson builds on the one before it and guides them towards the end goal of gaining clarity and confidence in their career change journey?

By the end of the course, they’ll have gotten a taste of your coaching skills and be excited to work with you to make their career change goals a reality.

Your next step

Brainstorm 3–5 key lessons or action steps you could include in an email course lead magnet for your coaching business.

Focus on the specific end goal or result you want your ideal clients to achieve.

When you’re ready to turn that lead magnet into a client-getting machine, head over to Lesson #4, where we’ll dive into creating an automated sales sequence that sells your coaching program on autopilot.




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