Lesson #4 Implement a 4-Day Sales Sequence

3 min read3 days ago


Jump ahead to Lesson #5 here

In the last few lessons, we’ve covered a lot of ground.

You’ve defined your unique offer, figured out who your target audience is, started creating valuable LinkedIn content that speaks to them, and learned about the power of high-value email course lead magnets.

In lesson #4 we’re diving into the next piece of the puzzle: the 4-Day Sales Sequence.

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “Sales? That feels icky. I don’t want to be pushy or salesy.”

I get it.

As coaches, you’re in this business to help people, not to be sleazy salespeople. But here’s the thing: if you don’t sell your coaching services, you can’t help the people who need you most.

That’s where the 4-Day Sales Sequence comes in.

It’s a way to sell your coaching program in a way that feels authentic, helpful, and non-pushy.

Here’s how it works:

Day 1: The day after your email course wraps up, you send a friendly email checking in with your new subscribers. You ask them how they enjoyed the course, what their biggest takeaways were, and if they have any questions.

→ This shows that you care about their progress and value their feedback.

Day 2: You send an email that dives deeper into the transformation your coaching program offers. You paint a picture of what their life could look like after working with you, and share a case study or testimonial from a past client who achieved amazing results.

→ This helps them see what’s possible for them.

Day 3: You send an email that addresses common objections or concerns they might have about investing in coaching. You might talk about the time commitment, the financial investment, or any other barriers that might be holding them back.

→ You show empathy and understanding, while also reiterating the value of your program.

Day 4: You send a final email with a clear call-to-action to book a discovery call with you. You reiterate the key benefits of your program, share any time-sensitive bonuses or incentives, and make it super easy for them to take the next step.

→ You show how you can make their lives easier

The beauty of this sequence is that it runs on autopilot.

Once you set it up, every new subscriber who goes through your email course will automatically receive these follow-up emails, nurturing them towards a sale without you having to lift a finger.

But here’s the key: these emails shouldn’t feel like a hard sell.

They should feel like a natural continuation of the value and support you provided in your email course.

You’re not trying to convince anyone to buy something they don’t need.

You’re simply inviting them to take the next step if they’re ready to go deeper and get even better results.

Here are a few tips to make your 4-Day Sales Sequence as effective as possible:

1. Keep it focused on their needs and desires, not your own agenda. Every email should be centered around how your coaching program can help them achieve their goals and overcome their challenges.

2. Use storytelling and emotional connection to make your message more compelling. Share your own journey, or the stories of past clients who have been in their shoes and achieved incredible transformations.

3. Make the next step crystal clear and easy to take. Don’t make them jump through hoops or wade through a lot of jargon. Just give them a simple way to book a call or enroll in your program.

4. Follow up with a personal touch. If someone does book a call or express interest, make sure to follow up with them personally to build that relationship and show that you’re invested in their success.

Remember, selling your coaching services isn’t about being pushy or manipulative. It’s about extending an invitation to people who are ready to change their life for good and need your help to get there.

So don’t be afraid to sell.

Your next step

Draft out the key points you want to cover in each email of your 4-Day Sales Sequence.

Focus on the transformation, the benefits, and the next step you want them to take.

And when you’re ready to put it all together and create a client-getting funnel that runs like clockwork, head over to Lesson #5, where we’ll tie it all together and set you up for long-term success.




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