Mutiara Farma
5 min readFeb 9, 2018


What is Sphere all about?

In the year 2016, sphere began its journey to become the world’s leading social network. The social platform believes that they built the network on three basic building blocks. They include:

  • Data security
  • Transparency
  • Privacy

Why Do you Need Sphere?

As part of their solution, sphere believes that they established the platform to help users benefit fully from it. Every data that they use, including clicks and all social interactions, not only benefit the company but the user as well. This means that the user can make a lot of money while using the platform.

Additionally, the system helps advertisers maximize their marketing campaigns. Rather than spending millions of dollars in one ad campaign, this platform ensures that you save your money, and use it for other needs. The platform is free for users.

Because they have a decentralized system, sphere ensures that all users feel safe. The user is free to keep his profile secret and share it with friends that he or she chooses. Additionally, it prevents advertisers from accessing your browsing history and search engine results. You will therefore not receive ads that you do not need.

The Sphere Marketplace

Our networking platform will incorporate vital e-commerce properties. This will make it easy and simple for registered users to create products or advertise services that their friends can see and purchase using their SAT. Take for instance, if you intend advertising your phone for sale, all you need do is take photos of your mobile device and list it with a title, description and a price tag. You can then adjust your privacy settings to limit who will be able to view your posts. Once that is posted, interested users can purchase the advertised products or services by simply clicking on the purchase button. By clicking on “Purchase”, the required worth of that product or service in SAT will be sent to the seller’s wallet immediately and the transaction will be marked as completed.

The Sphere Ad Platform

Our social ad platform will allow registered users to easily advertise their products by displaying ad pieces in the Sphere news feed. The users will have to pay for the advertising space. The platform will also feature per-click and per-impression functions, the costs of these will be deducted automatically from the sellers’ wallet.

Sphere’s vision

• The organization also understands the importance of social media and the vast impact it has on the world. Sphere ensures that the user enjoys his or her privacy while using the platform. Unsolicited individuals cannot see their profile unless the user allows them to.

• The user can experience quick business transactions. Sellers and buyers can meet on the platform and carry out their operations using Social Activity Tokens (SAT)

• Sphere provides a favorable environment for advertisers. They have more opportunities to reach potential clients. Therefore, they do not have to use a lot of money in marketing their products as when using email and landing pages.

• The organization provides a decentralized blockchain platform where users enjoy privacy, and control what they see and share. Compared to centralized servers, this reduces the risk of failure and hackers accessing users’ accounts.

The social network offers a platform where small and large businesses have equal opportunities.


Consumers’ demand for better privacy and data protection has created a demand for a service that puts control, profit, and privacy back into the hands of the consumers. We are poised for yet another great disruption in marketing and advertising. The old and increasingly ineffective method of advertising will come to an end. The old way will be replaced by the next waves of innovation. At the forefront of the wave, Sphere has positioned itself ready to disrupt the old process. We will create more transparent and open methods for conducting business in today’s global market. Sphere’s innovative technology creates a scalable, anonymous, and secure social network utilizing large amounts of data while still ensuring privacy.



Through the invention of the internet, businesses found a more convenient way of targeting consumers with ad campaigns.


A total of 65% of available tokens will be made accessible to buyers through the ICO. We’ve reserved 1% of all tokens for our team and advisory staff. Another 17% will be reserved for the social network. 9% will be reserved for the company.

At the Initial Coin Offering, 1 SAT = 14 cents USD.
1,000,000,000 tokens will be created.
Should tokens go unsold, they will be destroyed.



Web: https://sphere.social
Whitepaper: https://sphere.social/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Sphere_Whitepaper_v1.7.4.pdf
Twitter : https://twitter.com/SphereOfficial1
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SphereSocialNetwork
Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/SphereSocial
Instagram : https://www.reddit.com/r/SphereSocial
Medium : https://medium.com/@sphereofficial
Pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/sphereofficial/
YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXmpURw0cIo
Telegram : https://t.me/sphere_official1
Google App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sphere.social
iOS App : https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sphere/id1286518526?ls=1&mt=8

Bitcointalk profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1409779

