Published inThe StartupWhat network engineers need to know about software engineeringWith increasing overlap between network and software engineering, network engineers need to know how to do software engineering right.Dec 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019
How to build a better alcohol culture at your tech conferences and eventsAlthough alcohol can be a social lubricant, it's also a catalyst for exclusion. How do you build a better alcohol culture at your event?Jun 25, 2018Jun 25, 2018
The track less travelled: why multi-track events work poorer for community talksI've found that talks about communities work much better in single-track than multi-track events. Why is that?Jun 3, 2018Jun 3, 2018
Writing a Code of Conduct response guide for DjangoCon EuropeA CoC is ineffective unless the organisers handle reports well. For DjangoCon Europe this year, we adopted a public response guide.May 16, 2018May 16, 2018
Are we not all volunteer organisers here? And, does it matter?How far can we stretch our event volunteers in times of increased expectations? On why I'm withdrawing from unpaid conference organising.May 14, 2018May 14, 2018
How and why we improved DjangoCon Europe’s Code of ConductFor DjangoCon Europe 2018, we restructured our Code of Conduct in order to better reflect our intentions and values.May 7, 2018May 7, 2018