Short notice on upcoming updates

Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2017
  1. Smart contract update

As stated in our previous blog, there are a few sensitive functions that we want to remove from our current smart contracts. However, to avoid disrupting our service and creating unexpected errors, we will first update this new contract on Rinkeby test net for 7 days before updating on main net.

We would like to invite all enthusiastic Solidity developers to help us review this new contract. Your advises are valuable to us. The new contract will be updated on Rinkeby at 17:00 PM UTC, Dec 23st. Technical details will be discussed in a blog following this event.

Our users can rest assured that your balance and etheremons will not be affected by this update and we will require no actions from you.

2. New monsters!

We believe all users should have an equal chance of catching new etheremons at entry price. Going forward, each time a new set of etheremons is to be updated, we will put official announcement at least 2 hours before the update happen. Now, the important part:

At 16:00 PM UTC, Dec 21st, we will update 3 new etheremons:

  1. Pangrass
  2. Swifty
  3. Vibe - belong to Gason class

3. Special class Gason

For our upcoming battle feature, we introduce an Etheremon special class called Gason. When a Gason is in your party, it increases battle power for all Ethremons of the same type (details will come later).

As much as we enjoy Etheremon popularity, we would like to uphold our original vision of creating an decentralized game for collection, trading and battling. We are working hard on rolling out the battling system.




A blockchain game about collecting, training, evolving and trading Monsters, built with blockchain and VR technology. Think Pokemon on blockchain.