Unleash your ideas with Nebo 2.7’s freeform page

4 min readSep 2, 2020


Today, we’re excited to announce the release of our latest update, Nebo 2.7. It introduces the freeform page, a boundless zoomable canvas designed to empower your note-taking in a wider range of contexts.

Here at Nebo we’re obsessed with one thing: making note-taking the lynchpin of a streamlined and productive workflow. To do this, we find ways to make handwritten notes as powerful and versatile as typed text.

Until recently, we focused on the ‘powerful’ part of this equation, designing Nebo to:
• Provide super accurate write-to-text conversion and effortless editing.
• Treat handwriting and typed text the same.
• Be responsive, reflowing your content as you adjust the layout.

What’s changing?

We know Nebo users love how the app empowers their note-taking. But there are contexts where this ‘structured’ approach to note-taking isn’t the most appropriate or efficient tool for the task at hand.

Some meetings demand rapid-response note-taking, free of distraction or interruption. When workshopping or brainstorming, it’s great to be free to link options and evolve ideas in unpredictable structures. It can also be easier to draw ideas than to write them out in text. And sometimes you need to combine text and drawings in a more organic, spontaneous and free-ranging way. In such use cases, versatility becomes all-important.

From draft to freeform

For a while now, Nebo users have been able to add draft sections to their notebook pages, allowing them to write and draw without constraint.

Our users love draft sections. They use them for spontaneous note-taking in meetings and at conferences, and for creative ideation in workshops. They sketch and explore possibilities. Now we’re ready to use what we’ve learned about this freer style of note-taking as we launch Nebo’s next phase.

With the release of Nebo 2.7, ‘draft’ becomes ‘freeform’. And alongside freeform sections, we’re introducing a brand-new freeform page.

Explore ideas freely

Like a draft section, a freeform page lets you write and draw without constraint. Unlike a draft section, a freeform page expands to accommodate your content. It also lets you zoom in and out, pan around the page and import images for illustration or annotation. Like your imagination, a freeform page is boundless.

You can copy freeform content between freeform pages and sections, and into regular Nebo pages as sketch objects or convertible text, diagrams or math. Such connectivity is vital, because Nebo’s freeform and regular pages aren’t separate entities. Instead, each page type complements and enhances the other. In this way, we maximize flexibility while strengthening different kinds of workflow.

You can also copy freeform content into other apps — and if you select ‘Copy as text’, your handwritten content will auto-convert when you paste it. We designed the freeform page for seamless integration with key apps like Word and PowerPoint. Copy and paste a freeform diagram into PowerPoint and it will auto-convert while remaining editable. The same applies to freeform text pasted into Word.

Two pages, many use cases

The introduction of the freeform page is a milestone in Nebo’s evolution.
We’re now the only note-taking app that meets the needs of users at both ends of the note-taking spectrum. Do you need to capture structured information for instant conversion? Are you more focused on generating and illustrating new ideas? Either way, Nebo has you covered.

It all goes back to our guiding aims: power and versatility. With the distinct but connected benefits of regular and freeform pages, Nebo can make you more productive in any context.

We hope you enjoy exploring the new freeform page. And as always, we welcome your feedback.

Thanks for reading.
The Nebo team at MyScript

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