Who I am, and what I am doing in 2021?

A little something about myself

Aiman Fatima(She/her)
3 min readJan 24, 2021

Inspired by my most favorite writer from the Philippines, I decided to add an about me section to my medium profile.

I'm Aiman, a content writer and a social media marketer based in India. My love for writing and marketing pushed me to start my freelancing journey, and it has been more than a year since when I started making money out of writing.

These are my social media handles:

Instagram: 4576 followers

Linkedin: 1793 followers

Twitter: 269 followers

Medium: 455 followers

I write a lot, and when I write, I write about marketing, personal development, philosophy, creativity, my boring life experiences, and life in general. I spend most of my day writing articles, website content, and social media posts for myself and my clients. And when I’m not writing, I will be either reading, networking, cooking, watching Frank James YouTube videos, or just staring at a wall.

I'm a hardcore introvert, and I enjoy solitude.

I didn’t go to the Farewell party at my university tonight, and I am happy.🙆‍♀️

Growing up, it was hard for me to accept myself. I used to feel ashamed of being an introvert, and I didn't know how to explain to my friends why I don't enjoy parties. Thanks to the internet, now I have understood introversion is not a flaw, and I have almost accepted my introverted self.

I like to believe that my habit of overthinking and overanalyzing stuff makes me more creative. I don’t know if that’s true, but I like to think, and I love to play with words.

Work with me

I'm open to sponsorships, collaborations, Freelance writing, etc.

I will help you articulate your brand’s vision and grow your online presence through well-crafted, typo-free, and top-notch content. Also, I will help you build a strong social media presence with effective content strategy and organic growth tips. I have more than 3000 followers on Instagram and 500+ connections on LinkedIn.

Email me @aimanfatima906@gmail.com to set something up.

What I'm working on this year?

2020 was an introductory year for me. I learned so many things in 2020 but didn't take much action. 2021 is going to be huge. This year I will be focusing more on doing rather than overthinking. As I'm writing this, it's 23rd Jan, and as of now, I have managed to stick to my promise. I will continue updating this section as life progresses.


My Instagram audience loves me and looks up to me, but sometimes I feel like I'm not providing enough value to them. This year I am working on an Ebook which I will be launching in 3 months.

Writing podcast

I launched a podcast two years back, but I couldn't continue it for some reason. I have recently been listening to many unscripted podcasts of famous and amazing writers and podcasters like Sarah Werner and Jake Bible. This year I'm determined to launch my podcast. Unlike other podcasts, my podcast wouldn't contain interviews. It would be unscripted, just me sharing my experiences and talking about my journey.


I recently took the writing challenge of writing for 52 days in a row for medium, and I failed. But I didn’t give up; I have started again. After completing this challenge, I will be confident to start my own blog. I have already bought the domain, so I wouldn't have to worry about that. I'm not very good at technical stuff yet. But this year, I have planned not to limit myself, and I will learn WordPress and start blogging.

