The 1967 Dao County Massacre

Remembering a Dark Chapter in Chinese History

Nafis Azam
2 min readFeb 13, 2023

On the 13th of February, 1967, a mass killing took place in Dao County, a rural area in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. The Dao County Massacre, as it has come to be known, saw hundreds of villagers indiscriminately murdered by Red Guard units, who were then the vanguard of Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution.

The Cultural Revolution, which lasted from 1966 to 1976, was a period of political and social turmoil in China marked by widespread violence, including purges, mass killings, and destruction of cultural heritage. Mao Zedong, the leader of the Communist Party of China, sought to eliminate all perceived opposition to his rule and to reinvigorate the revolutionary spirit of the Chinese people.

The Dao County Massacre was a particularly brutal example of the violence that characterized the Cultural Revolution. In February 1967, Red Guard units descended on the county, attacking and killing villagers, destroying homes and buildings, and looting property. It is estimated that hundreds of people were killed, with some sources putting the number as high as 2,000.

The exact motivations for the massacre are unclear, but it is believed to have been a response to perceived resistance from local officials and villagers to the Cultural Revolution. The Red Guard units saw the county as a stronghold of counter-revolutionary forces and took violent measures to eliminate any opposition.

The massacre had far-reaching consequences for the people of Dao County. In addition to the loss of life and property, many families were torn apart and communities were left deeply scarred by the violence. Many survivors of the massacre faced discrimination and persecution in the aftermath, and the events of 1967 have cast a long shadow over the county to this day.

Despite the passage of time, the Dao County Massacre remains a little-known and poorly documented event. The Chinese government has been slow to acknowledge the violence of the Cultural Revolution, and many of the details surrounding the massacre remain shrouded in mystery. Nevertheless, it is important to remember and to honor the memory of the victims of the Dao County Massacre and to ensure that such atrocities are never repeated.

In conclusion, the Dao County Massacre is a sobering reminder of the terrible violence that can result when political ideology is allowed to trump basic human decency. We must remember the victims of this tragedy and work to ensure that their legacy is one of peace, justice, and respect for human life.



Nafis Azam

Determined content writer , want to bring the truth in the world full of contradiction . I am a believer i believe in my lord Allah (SWT).