Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, 12/E, Jay Heizer, Barry Render, Chuck Munson, ISBN-10: 1292148632, ISBN-13: 9781292148632, ISBN-10 : ‎0134163516 , ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978–0134163512

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Chapter 1

Operations and Productivity 1

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

American Car Battery Industry

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study 5

Uber Technologies, Inc.

Video Case Studies 5

Frito-Lay: Operations Management in Manufacturing

Hard Rock Cafe: Operations Management in Services

Additional Case Studies 7

National Air Express

Zychol Chemicals Corporation

Chapter 2

Operations Strategy in a Global Environment 9

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study


Video Case Studies

Strategy at Regal Marine

Hard Rock Cafe’s Global Strategy 13

Outsourcing Offshore at Darden 14

Additional Case Study

Outsourcing to TATA

Chapter 3

Project Management 15

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 3.1: Gantt Chart

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Southwestern University: A

Video Case Studies

Project Management At Arnold Palmer Hospital

Managing Hard Rock’s Rockfest

Additional Case Study

Shale Oil Company 28

Chapter 4

Forecasting 31

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercises*

ACTIVE MODEL 4.1: Moving Averages

ACTIVE MODEL 4.2: Exponential Smoothing

ACTIVE MODEL 4.3: Exponential Smoothing with Trend Adjustment

ACTIVE MODEL 4.4: Trend Projections

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study 51

Southwestern University: B

Video Case Studies

Forecasting Ticket Revenue for Orlando Magic Basketball Games

Forecasting at Hard Rock Cafe

Additional Case Studies

The North-South Airlines

Digital Cell Phone, Inc.

Chapter 5

Design of Goods and Services 55

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

Active Model 5.1: Decision Tree

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

De Mar’s Product Strategy

Video Case Study

Product Design at Regal Marine

Supplement 5

Sustainability in the Supply Chain 68

Discussion Questions

End-of-Supplement Problems

Video Case Studies

Building Sustainability at the Orlando Magic’s Amway Center

Green Manufacturing And Sustainability at

Additional Case Study

Environmental Sustainability at Walmart

Chapter 6

Managing Quality 73

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise*

ACTIVE MODEL 6.1: Pareto Charts

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Southwestern University: C

Video Case Studies

The Culture of Quality at Arnold Palmer Hospital

Quality Counts at Alaska Airlines

Quality at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel

Additional Case Study

Westover Electrical, Inc.

Supplement 6

Statistical Process Control 87

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercises*

ACTIVE MODEL S6.1: bar Chart

ACTIVE MODEL S6.2: p-Chart — with data

ACTIVE MODEL S6.3: Process Capability

End-of-Supplement Problems

Case Study

Bayfield Mud Company

Video Case Studies

Frito-Lay’s Quality-Controlled Potato Chips

Farm to Fork: Quality at Darden Restaurants

Additional Case Study

Green River Chemical Co.

Chapter 7

Process Strategy 101

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 7.1: Crossover Chart

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Rochester Manufacturing’s Process Decision

Video Case Studies

Alaska Airlines 20-Minute Baggage
Process — Guaranteed!

Process Analysis at Arnold Palmer Hospital

Process Strategy at Wheeled Coach

Additional Case Study

Matthew Yachts, Inc.

Supplement 7

Capacity and Constraint Management 110

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercises

ACTIVE MODEL S7.1: Productivity

ACTIVE MODEL S7.2: Break-even Analysis

End-of-Supplement Problems

Video Case Study

Capacity Planning at Arnold Palmer Hospital

Additional Case Study

Southwestern University: D

Chapter 8

Location Strategies 121

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 8.1: Center of Gravity

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Southern Recreational Vehicle Company

Video Case Studies

Locating the Next Red Lobster Restaurant

Where to Place the Hard Rock Cafe

Additional Case Study

Southwestern University: E

Chapter 9

Layout Strategies 134

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 9.1: Process Layout

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

State Automobile License Renewals

Video Case Studies

Laying out Arnold Palmer Hospital’s
New Facility

Facility Layout at Wheeled Coach

Additional Case Study

Microfix, inc.

Chapter 10

Human Resources, Job Design, and Work Measurement 152

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 10.1: Work Sampling

Ethical Dilemma

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Jackson Manufacturing Co.

Video Case Studies

The “People” Focus: Human Resources at Alaska Airlines

Hard Rock’s Human Resource Strategy

Additional Case Studies

Chicago Southern Hospital

The Fleet that Wanders

Chapter 11

Supply Chain Management 171

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

End-of-Chapter Problems

Video Case Studies

Darden’s Global Supply Chains

Supply Chain Management at Regal Marine

Arnold Palmer Hospital’s Supply Chain

Supplement 11

Supply Chain Management Analytics 176

Discussion Questions

End-of-Supplement Problems

Chapter 12

Inventory Management 184

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercises

ACTIVE MODEL 12.1: Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Model

ACTIVE MODEL 12.2: Production Order Quantity Model

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Studies

Zhou Bicycle Company

Parker Hi-Fi Systems

Video Case Studies

Managing Inventory at Frito-Lay

Inventory Control at Wheeled Coach

Additional Case Studies

Southwestern University: F

Laplace Power and Light

Chapter 13

Aggregate Planning and S&OP 200

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 13.1: Aggregate Planning

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Andrew-Carter, Inc.

Video Case Study

Using Revenue Management to Set Orlando Magic Ticket Prices

Additional Case Studies

Cornwell Glass

Southwestern University: (G)

Chapter 14

Material Requirements Planning (MRP) and ERP 224

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 14.1: Order Releases

End-of-Chapter Problems

Video Case Studies

When 18,500 Orlando Magic Fans Come to Dinner

MRP At Wheeled Coach

Additional Case Studies

IKON’S Attempt at ERP

Hill’s Automotive, Inc.

Chapter 15

Short-Term Scheduling 252

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL 15.1: Job Shop Sequencing

End-of-Chapter Problems

Case Study

Old Oregon Wood Store

Video Case Studies

From the Eagles to The Magic: Converting the Amway Center

Scheduling at Hard Rock Cafe

Additional Case Study

Payroll Planning, Inc.

Chapter 16

Lean Operations 268

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

End-of-Chapter Problems

Video Case Studies

Lean Operations at Alaska Airlines

JIT at Arnold Palmer Hospital

Additional Case Studies

JIT After a Catastrophe

Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa

Chapter 17

Maintenance and Reliability 273

Discussion Questions

Ethical Dilemma

Active Model Exercises

ACTIVE MODEL 17.1: Series Reliability

ACTIVE MODEL 17.2: Redundancy

ACTIVE MODEL 17.3: Parallel Systems

End-of-Chapter Problems

Video Case Study

Maintenance Drives Profits at Frito-Lay

Additional Case Studies

Cartak’s Department Store

Worldwide Chemical Company

Business Analytics Module A

Decision-Making Tools 278

Discussion Questions

End-of-Module Problems

Case Study

Warehouse Tenting at the Port of Miami

Additional Case Studies

Arctic, Inc.

Ski Right Corp.

Tom Tucker’s Liver Transplant

Business Analytics Module B

Linear Programming 291

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercise


End-of-Module Problems

Case Study

Quain Lawn and Garden Inc.

Video Case Study

Scheduling Challenges at Alaska Airlines

Additional Case Studies

Chase Manhattan Bank

Coastal States Chemical

Business Analytics Module C

Transportation Models 309

Discussion Questions

End-of-Module Problems

Case Study

Custom Vans, Inc.

Additional Case Study

Consolidated Bottling: B

Business Analytics Module D

Waiting-Line Models 325

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercises

ACTIVE MODEL D.1: Single Server Model

ACTIVE MODEL D.2: Multiple Server System
with Costs

ACTIVE MODEL D.3: Constant Service Times

End-of-Module Problems

Case Studies

New England Foundry

The Winter Park Hotel

Additional Case Study

Pantry Shopper

Business Analytics Module E

Learning Curves 340

Discussion Questions

Active Model Exercise

ACTIVE MODEL E.1: Unit Curve, Cumulative Curve, and Costs

End-of-Module Problems

Case Study

SMT’S Negotiation with IBM

Business Analytics Module F

Simulation 345

Discussion Questions

End-of-Module Problems

Case Study

Alabama Airlines Call Center

Additional Case Study

Saigon Transport

Operation management is a business field that deals with managing business practices in order to maximize efficiency. This involves organizing and supervising an organization’s processes in order to balance revenues and cost and make the best operating profit. The organization’s operations manager is responsible for ensuring that inputs like labor, materials and technology are converted into outputs efficiently.


  • Operation management is the process of managing the operations and processes within an organization.
  • Operations managers are responsible for product design, forecasting and delivery management.
  • A operations manager must possess excellent organizational, coordination and people skills.

Operation Management Responsibilities

Operation management is a branch of business that deals with managing the business’ operations to ensure efficient execution of projects. This means that the person in charge of the department must perform different strategic functions. Some examples of these functions are:

1. Design of Product

Designing a product is creating it that can be sold to consumers. This involves the creation of new ideas and expanding on existing ideas to create new products. It is the responsibility of the operations manager to ensure that consumers receive products that meet their needs and conform to current market trends.

The quality of the product is more important than its quantity to consumers, so the company should have systems in place that guarantee the products meet their needs.

2. Forecasting

Forecasting is the art of predicting future events based on past data. The operations manager must predict consumer demand for company products.

To predict future trends in consumption, the manager uses past and current data about the company’s product uptake to make decisions. Forecasts allow the company to determine the amount of products required to satisfy the market demand.

3. Management of Supply Chain

Management of the supply chain is the management of the entire production process, from raw materials to finished products. It oversees everything, from the production process, shipping, distribution, and delivery of products.

Operations managers manage the supply chain by controlling inventory management, production, sales and sourcing suppliers to provide the goods required at affordable prices. A well-managed supply chain will ensure efficient production, low overheads and prompt delivery to customers.

4. Delivery Management

Delivery management is the responsibility of the operations manager. This manager makes sure that the goods arrive at the customer on time. They should follow up with customers to make sure that the goods are exactly what they ordered and meet their functional needs.

The operations manager will receive feedback from the customer if they are unhappy with the product.

The ideal skills for an Operations Manager

Operations management is not like the finance or marketing departments where managers are responsible only for their respective departments. Instead, it is a cross-department job where the manager has multiple responsibilities. An operations manager must have the following skills to be successful:

1. Organizational Abilities

Organizational skills refer to the ability to concentrate on multiple projects and not get distracted by many processes. Operations managers should be able plan, manage, and monitor every project until completion without losing sight of the goal.

Managers who are not organized will have unfinished tasks, lost documents, and wasted time searching for documents that could have been easily accessible if they were organized. Organization skills are a way to increase productivity and save time.

2. Coordinating

Operations managers need to be able to coordinate resources and activities to achieve organizational goals. Coordinating involves coordinating multiple activities and seamlessly switching between them. Coordination also includes dealing with interruptions and overcoming obstacles.

3. People Skills

Operations managers are responsible for dealing with people. They must be able to communicate with employees, external stakeholders, and senior management. Operations managers must be able to work with colleagues and communicate, listen and relate to them professionally and personally.

The workplace is made up people from different cultures so the operations manager must be tolerant and understanding of others. The manager must be able and willing to mediate and resolve disputes between employees and senior staff.

4. Tech-savvy

An operations manager must have a passion for technology to design efficient and tech-compliant processes in this age of rapidly changing technologies. To gain competitive advantage on the market, modern organizations are increasingly tech-dependent.

This means that many of the manual processes, such as procurement and purchasing, will need to be automated. An operations manager can improve their internal processes by being up-to-date on the latest developments in the tech sector.







