Getting Started #2 : The importance of writing down your mind, thoughts and tasks

Veena Nair
4 min readMar 9, 2024


Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

We live in a fast paced, stressed world where our thoughts fly around like the autumn leaves in the breeze and our tasks pile up like….well…poetically, I would like to say ‘like mountains on the horizon’, however, realistically it’s more like a giant pile of laundry on the bed! Imagine the pile keeps mounting up and we keep putting it off until we need something, only to dig through it to find the piece we were looking for. In the process, we scatter the pile even more creating more chaos and mess. It’s all there…the laundry…the clothes we need…but we don’t know where among the pile.

In my previous article I gave you an insight into how to get started and start unscrambling your scrambled mind. This is for everyone who has gone through a daunting phase of life and feel extremely overwhelmed and confused not knowing where to even begin with to move forward. You may read the article here : Getting Started #1 — Unscrambling the Scrambled Mind. Today I am penning down the power of mapping your brain on paper.

Now imagine you have a cupboard and you knew exactly where each piece of cloth go into. Sounds familiar, right? On a calm Sunday morning or your free time of the week, you put on your headphones, turn up your Spotify playlist and start folding your laundry. You segregate it into similar piles and place them in sections of your cupboard. The next time you need a dress or gym wear, you know exactly where to look for it. The more frequent you do this chore every week, the more accustomed you become to it that it almost seem like a natural activity. You do not realize it’s built with conditioning. The mind does not stress about finding the cloth you need. You are able to focus on other things and not worry about your wardrobe.

Thoughts I see you and accept you.

Tasks, I acknowledge you.

And I will not let you overwhelm me.

This is what writing down your thoughts on paper does to your mind. Our minds wander in seconds. With the distractions of the modern world, our attention span is decreasing day by day. This is the magic about the act of putting pen to paper. It’s a simple yet profound act that holds the power to transform chaos and confusion into clarity. In my 15 years of working in Sales and Marketing, there is one mantra that always seals the deal. That is “Seeing is Believing”. Our eyes complete the initial part of our decision making. When we write down our thoughts or task, there is clarity. You see it in front of your eyes. You are no longer searching it with a lack of direction from the pile of thoughts on your mind. You will know exactly what task to complete. Even if you take days to complete it, you still know what to be done. It acts as a constant reminder every day. Giving it a physical form on paper gives it substance, makes it real.

But it’s not just about capturing individual thoughts; it’s also about connecting the dots. Writing down your thoughts allows you to see patterns. What may seem like a jumble of disjointed threads of chaos suddenly coalesces into a collective narrative, revealing insights and revelations you never knew were there. The other factor is that it becomes a declaration of intent. You are validating and fine tuning your subconscious mind to do that action. Everything becomes bite sized and manageable. Your mental load lightens and you will no longer feel overwhelmed. Perhaps the most visible change it will bring is EMPOWERMENT. I guarantee, you will feel the difference when you start ticking off even the smallest of the tasks and accomplish it. It’s like saying “Thoughts I see you and accept you. Tasks, I acknowledge you. And I will not let you overwhelm me.” This is what I tell myself every time I declutter my mind.

So, the next time your mind feels like a tornado of thoughts and threatens to bury you alive, reach for a pen and paper. Write down your mind, capture your thoughts, and corral your tasks. Embrace the magic of putting pen to paper and watch as chaos transforms into clarity, confusion into coherence, and overwhelm into empowerment.



Veena Nair

Veena is a Marketing professional, an Educationalist and an Arts enthusiast. She writes articles on developing skillsets and navigating around career gaps.