What Makes Medium’s Top Writers So Addictive?

3 min readMay 30, 2024


Medium is a goldmine of content, offering a platform where anyone can share their thoughts, ideas, and expertise. As someone who has recently joined this vibrant community, I’ve taken a deep dive into what makes the top writers on Medium stand out. Here’s what I discovered and how you can apply these insights to grab your readers’ attention.

The Allure of Medium’s Top Writers:

Medium’s top writers aren’t just popular by luck; they use specific strategies that set them apart. Here’s a breakdown of the key elements that contribute to their success:

1. Interesting and Relevant Content

Top writers like those featured in publications such as OneZero and Gen focus on delivering content that is both interesting and relevant. Whether it’s exploring the latest in technology, politics, or personal growth, these writers connect with their audience by talking about current trends and issues.

2. Storytelling and Personal Experience

The power of storytelling is a common thread among Medium’s top writers. Publications like @The Startup , Alan and @Illumination thrive on personal stories and life lessons. Writers share their journeys, challenges, and successes, making their stories relatable and inspiring.
and also profiles like Hazel Paradise , Joan Westenberg, Poonam Sharma, nazilah achmad, smoul these girls are doing incredible work with their storytelling and sharing their personal experiences, which you too can do

3. Consistency and Quality

Posting high-quality content consistently is another hallmark of successful Medium writers. For example, the publication **Towards Data Science** maintains strict guidelines to ensure all contributions are meaningful and well-researched. This dedication to quality helps build trust and a loyal readership.

4. Visual Appeal

Adding visuals is a powerful way to make the reader’s experience better. Images, infographics, and charts not only make the articles more attractive but also help in better understanding complex topics. Publications like UX Collective use this to explain design concepts effectively

5. Engagement and Interaction

Top writers on Medium know the importance of engaging with their readers. Responding to comments, participating in discussions, and even writing follow-up articles based on reader feedback are common practices. This interaction builds a community around their content, fostering deeper connections and loyalty.

My Journey: Learning from the Best

As a newcomer to Medium, I’ve spent the last few days immersing myself in the practices of these top writers. Here’s how I’m applying what I’ve learned:

1. Choosing the Right Topics

I focus on trending topics within my niche. By using tools like Medium’s trending tags and checking out popular publications, I find themes that resonate with readers. Some of the hot keywords I’ve noticed include “personal development,” “technology,” “culture,” and “data science”.

2. Crafting Compelling Stories (highly recommended)

I often use personal experiences and case studies to make my articles more engaging. When I was working offline, this was a key part of my writing process, and now I am transitioning to online writing. By sharing my own experiences and the lessons I’ve learned, I aim to create a connection with my readers that goes beyond just sharing information.

3. Maintaining Quality and Consistency

I commit to a regular posting schedule, making sure each piece is well-researched and well-written. Consistency helps in building an audience, while quality ensures they keep coming back.

4. Using Visuals

I enhance my articles with relevant images and infographics. This not only makes my content visually appealing but also helps in breaking down complex ideas into easy-to-understand parts.

5. Engaging with Readers

Actively engage with readers by responding to comments and encouraging discussions. This helps in building a community and makes readers feel valued and heard.

Conclusion: Your Path to Success on Medium

By studying and copying the strategies of Medium’s top writers, you can significantly improve your writing and engagement on the platform. Focus on creating relevant, high-quality content, leverage the power of storytelling, maintain consistency, use visuals effectively, and engage with your readers. With these practices, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful writer on Medium.

Remember, the key to success is continuous learning and adapting. Keep an eye on trending topics, experiment with different writing styles,

Feel free to check out my articles on Medium that I wrote while researching the platform, and join the conversation!

Embracing the act of kindness
Selective attention

