Complete newbie guide to DZ60: Using the QMK Configurator

Dilan Nebioglu
3 min readNov 26, 2019


In the debut of this series, I have already received and started using my new DZ60 mechanical keyboard. Of course, I was still missing key mappings that are specific to the way I am accustomed to using my keyboard. It was research time again, and thankfully I quickly came across QMK Configurator, which is an online tool to create firmware files. Using their online GUI, you can envision the way you want to use your keyboard, and they give you the configuration to make that a reality.

  1. Go to
  2. Select the keyboard from the drop down menu:
Select keyword type

3. Select the layout — if you do not know your layout type, select LAYOUT_ALL

Select layout type

4. Configure each key through their GUI

5. Name the keymap however you want to


7. Import the .hex file by clicking on Firmware

At this point everything is ready for the keyboard to learn the mappings, we just need to connect it and upload the instructions. This is the flashing step.

8. Click on Get QMK Toolbox button to install the toolbox companion for QMK Firmware.

Optionally you can run these commands from your terminal to install the toolbox:

brew tap homebrew/cask-drivers
brew cask install qmk-toolbox

9. After the installation is complete, go ahead and open the app and then find the .hex file you imported.

Select .hex file

10. Select the keyboard from the drop down:

Select keyboard from the drop down

Now it’s time to actually connect your new keyboard to your computer.

11. After you hook it up, hit MO(1) and \ at the same time in order to enter the bootloader mode. Exact places ofMO(1) and \ will depend on your keyboard’s layout, but here is an example of where they might be:

Showing where MO(1) and \ are

You should to see DFU device connected message on theQMK Toolbox console.

12. After your keyboard is successfully connected, hit the Flash button on the toolbox and wait for the app to finish installing your newly configured firmware onto your keyboard.

Once you see the DFU device disconnected message on your toolbox console, you are officially done configuring your keyboard!



Dilan Nebioglu

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