Obscure.IM News: 23 Mar 19

Obscure News
1 min readMar 23, 2019


Following the successful launch of Mainnet and Whitepaper, the Obscure.IM Team is launching the Invitation Program, Airdrop Program, and Paper wallet.

Launch Date: 24 Mar 19, 00:00 GMT+0
Reward: 6 XSC
Read and join the Invitation Program

Launch Date: 6 Apr 19, 00:00 GMT+0
Reward: 10 XSC
Read and join the Airdrop Program

Launch Date: 23 Mar 19, 00:00 GMT+0
Paper Wallet allows you to store your XSC without downloading any wallet client. Access Paper Wallet here.

Currently developing xPay app on iOS and Android in alpha stage.


Thank you for your tremendous support!

