How to get thousands of followers each month on Twitter

Nicolas Le Roux
7 min readMay 23, 2015


Twitter is a powerfull tool that helps you to reach a specific audience for you or your business. In this article, I will tell you how I got thousands of followers in a month using hacks. I share all of my scripts and tips.

If you follow these steps, you will get thousands of followers in your specific niche easily.

Take time to complete your profile

First of all, you need to define which niche you want to deal with in Twitter. If you are a marketer, just tweet about marketing, if you are a designer just share some stuff about design.

If you start to share some content off topic, people will unfollow you. In case you don’t know how your followers are perceiving you, just do a quick run through of the lists you're a member of. The titles will show you what people are expecting from you.

Check the section “Member of” to know for which niche people are following you

Well, we know our niche. Mine is about entrepreneurship and growth. Now let’s start to complete your profile.

I advice you to keep the same photo for all your social networks. It allows people to make the connections between them and to be able to recognize you. Besides, your photo is like your brand, if you change it too often, people will easily forget you.

You have to choose the proper hashtags for the description of your profile. These will show your profile when people are doing a searches for specific hashtags which leads you to an increase of followers.

Finally, an empty cover photo is not a good idea. Just choose one you like or one that describes your niche. Take the example of Sean Ellis which illustrates the idea of growth marketing:

Cover photo of Sean Ellis

To Share great content is the key

People are following you because you share content they are interested in. But how do I find great content to share?

1-Finding great content

First, I created a list called “influencers” where I can find the tweets of around 40 people I know that share great articles. You can find those influencers by checking the blogs of your niche and looking for their authors. Moreover, you can use BuzzSumo to check who shares great content.

With this list, take each of your influencers and get their Top Tweets with Doing this, you will be able to find the greatest content that will give you some mentions and retweets.

My top tweet

Second, I use some tools to gather content I’m interested in. The best for me is Feedly, allowing you to get the new articles of the blogs you like. Medium is also a useful tool.

2-Write great tweets

When you have a bulk of articles to share, it’s time to write the tweets. This part is very important and often depreciated.

To reach most people, I advice you to put 2 hashtags that describe the content you are sharing. You can use Topsy to see the top hashtags used throughout the world.

Next, when the article has an image, share it with the tweet. For example, Hubspot tested two versions of identical tweets but one with an image. They immediately saw an increase in retweets, clicks and favorites and had a 55% rise in leads on the tweet with an image. You should definitly share your tweets with a photo attached.

Last but not least, you can easily find the author of an article you are sharing. If he/she is on twitter, mention it in your tweet and you will get more retweets.

3-Schedule your tweets

Unless you want to spend your days on Twitter, you have to schedule your tweets. And you are lucky because the best tool for that exists : Buffer.

Using Buffer, you can schedule your tweets easily thanks to a Chrome plugin. You can choose how many tweets you share each day (I share 19 tweets) and at which time. Neil Patel advices to set the GMT-7 Pacific Time to get more conversion. But the time zone depends of your niche.

Buffer gives you also some analytics and you can reschedule your best tweets to get more and more leads.

Lists are a great tool to grow your Twitter account

Lets focus on growth now! And lists is maybe one of the best methods to use if you want to get new followers.

First, I use IFTTT to automatize the creation of my lists. This tool gives you the opportunity to add someone to a list when he mentions someone or uses a specific hashtag.

I advice you to create a list for all people mentioning you. You sould create 2 or 3 other lists (no more because of the twitter limits creating some bugs) for people tweeting with a specific hashtag of your niche.

An other powerfull tool I use allows you to copy an entire list of someone else! What you can do is: check the lists of people within your influencers list and copy them to send thousands notifications in few minutes.

Albeit they are very useful, don’t abuse of these tools and remember to stay focused on your niche. Doing so, you will get thousands of followers tweeting about the same subject and interested in sharing your content.

My personal hack to grow your followers

Now it’s time to use the “grosse bertha” weapon to get more followers.

I wrote some scripts to auto follow some people within you niche easily.

1- Follow some people within you niche with Javascript

First you can follow the people your influencers are following. Just go to the “following” section and press the space bar to load all the people.

Then, open the Javascript console (in the section “more tools” in Chrome) and past the following code:

__cnt__ = 0;
jQuery(‘.Grid .js-follow-btn > span.follow-text’).each(function(i, ele) { ele = jQuery(ele); if (ele.css(‘display’) != ‘block’) { //alert(‘already following:’, i); return; } setTimeout(function() {; }, __cnt__++ * 500);

You will follow in few minutes many people, but be careful, you can’t follow more than 1000 people each day.

You can also use this script for a specific hashtag. When you do a searches, just click on the “account” section and use the script.

2- Unfollow people with ManageFlitter

Give time for them to follow you back. What I do is unfollow people who are not following back after 2 days. Doing so you will be able to reuse the script to follow more and more people and get new followers.

To easily unfollow people, I use ManageFlitter which is great because it allows you to unfollow 800 people for free. Just go to the “non-following back” section and click click click on unfollow.

If you have more than 800 people to unfollow, then you can use Unfollowerstat which is 100% free but a little bit harder to use.

3- Follow back people you are interested in

You will get hundreds of new followers with the list hack and the scripts. Use Unfollowerstats to check who you are not following back and follow those you are interested in.

Auto favorite tweets

Some people use tools to auto favorite tweets. I personnaly don’t think it’s a great idea because it can be seen as spamming. But you can try this tactic if you use it carefully.

There are a lot of tools to do that. One free tool is Local Favorite.

Or you can use my personnal script to favorite tweets for a specific hashtag:

__cnt__ = 0;
jQuery(‘.stream .js-actionFavorite’).each(function(i, ele) { ele = jQuery(ele); if (ele.css(‘display’) != ‘inline-block’) { //alert(‘already favorited’, i); return; } setTimeout(function() {; }, __cnt__++ * 500);

Or to favorite the favorited tweets of someone:

__cnt__ = 0;
jQuery(‘.Grid-cell .js-actionFavorite’).each(function(i, ele) { ele = jQuery(ele); if (ele.css(‘display’) != ‘inline-block’) { //alert(‘already favorited’, i); return; } setTimeout(function() {; }, __cnt__++ * 500);

Just remember that Twitter limits your amount of favorited tweets to 1000 each day.

I hope these advices will help you grow your twitter account. Feel free to share your tools and tips with me: @Nico_lrx ;)



Nicolas Le Roux

Founder of | Twitter: @nico_lrx | Love #entrepreneurship, #marketing, #growth & #bitcoin