Exception Handling in TPL: Best Practices and Strategies

Nikhil Jha
3 min readSep 12, 2023
Photo by Giammarco Boscaro

Articles in the series

  1. Introduction to Task Parallel Library (TPL)
  2. Getting Started with Tasks in TPL
  3. Task Scheduling and Continuations in TPL
  4. Task Cancellation and Timeout Handling with TPL
  5. Exception Handling in TPL: Best Practices and Strategies
  6. Efficiently Coordinating Parallel Tasks in TPL
  7. Optimizing Parallel Tasks and Resource Management in TPL
  8. Unlocking Efficiency with Parallel Algorithms and PLINQ
  9. Real-World Applications of Parallel Programming with TPL

In our exploration of the Task Parallel Library (TPL), we’ve covered essential topics like task creation, scheduling, continuations, and task cancellation. Now, it’s time to tackle a critical aspect of parallel and concurrent programming: exception handling. Handling exceptions gracefully is crucial for building robust and reliable applications with TPL. In this article, we’ll delve into best practices and strategies for managing exceptions in TPL.

The Challenge of Exception Handling

In a multi-threaded environment, exceptions can be particularly challenging. An exception occurring in one thread might go unnoticed…



Nikhil Jha

Senior Software Engineer | Bangalore, India | Azure Cloud | Microservices | Software Principles | .NET Enthusiast