Pedophiles and Psychos Employed at U.S. Youth Detention Centers

Niko Roswell
11 min readApr 13, 2024


Psychologist Helmet Kentler gained the support of the German government to place unaccompanied minors with known pedophiles; the experiment for obvious reasons failed. Experiments began in the 1960s and peaked during the 1970s. The German government trusted psychologist Kentler. Germany has apologized, sort of.

The United States will eventually apologize for experiments that have attracted pedophiles and psychos to work at U.S. youth detention centers. The experiments began in 1939, peaked in the 1970s, and have never stopped.

With thousands of youth detention center victims coming forward, I revisited a theory I had in 1999 that led me to write an article. Former vice president Dan Quayle read my article prompting him to invite me to a dinner he hosted. The invite was revoked when he realized I was only 17 years old. My theory then and now is:

U.S. children are used in experiments.

I am a product of child abuse by my family and nonfamily, they are my abusers. I survived because I watched everyone and everything around me. I stuck to facts because my abusers avoided facts. My abusers tried to control my reality.

The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, replaced The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. However, with the Act of 1974- mandatory state participation and $350million in federal funding. Landmark legislation, or so they thought. This was the first federally supported “comprehensive” approach designed to develop a system for juvenile justice and delinquency prevention. The “expertise” of American psychiatrists and psychologists began to appear around the United States.

The National Advisory Committee on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals was formed by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) in the spring of 1975. Governor Brendan T. Byrne of New Jersey was appointed chairman of the committee. This makes the current scandal in New Jersey youth detention centers shameful.

In 1975, the Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency in New Hampshire, approved funding to the New Hampshire Youth Development Center, for its first Community Residential Center, the Friendship House Project. The grant award was $69,952 in federal funds and $7,772 in crime commission funds. Total $77,724. This number increased in the years to follow. New Hampshire called this division of YDC , cottage, project, house, 6-II-E-1264 FOI, 76-II-A-1264 F02. Whatever you wish to call it, It was an experiment. The current scandal unfolding with New Hampshire youth detention centers is not shocking.

Entering uncharted waters by the force of the federal government New Hampshire with many other states began to implement treatment programs for juvenile delinquents.

In 1976, John R. Clark, the former Evaluation Specialist for the New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency, stated that before boys were accepted into Friendship House in 1975, they were put through,

“a battery of tests and psychological interviews.”

Other records mention “dead days” at Friendship House.

For a boy to be eligible for admission into the Friendship House they had to be between twelve and seventeen, the boys had to meet all four of these criteria.

1. A feeling of uneasiness, unhappiness, or discontent with himself or his life, and some concern about doing something to change it;

2. A recognition and acceptance that one does or can control what happens to him;

3. A willingness to examine things about himself with others;

4. A belief that he, other residents, and the program itself will benefit from his participation.

Friendship House in New Hampshire implemented a “treatment program” including,

Guided Group Interaction, Reality Therapy, and Positive Peer Pressure.

These three treatment programs were in their infancy stages of being used on children. The experiment was on New Hampshire’s most vulnerable population, unaccompanied minors, in this particular experiment boys. I assure you, unlike the belief the boys were taught, these boys did not have control over what was about to happen.

United States Federal Government Logo

Friendship House Treatment Program,

Experiment 1 Guided Group Interaction -

Group Therapy began with Doctor Joseph M Pratt, a pioneer in physiology, well before it was introduced at Friendship House. Pratt was a Harvard Medical School alumni who disagreed with the theories of Freud. What Pratt first designed as Group Therapy for medically sick patients was morphed by the U.S. military at Fort Knox, Kentucky, during the 1940s. The current scandal unfolding in Kentucky youth detention centers looks suspicious.

Guided Group Therapy becomes Guided Group Interactions at Fort Knox. The exact year the military first used the therapy is unclear. If you look at the core ideas of Guided Group Interaction, the concept closely resembles Fort Knox’s, Universal Military Training Experimental Unit. America’s first attempt at Universal Military Training.

Guided Group Interaction is widely documented as being used on detained and confined soldiers at Fort Knox, by the Fifth Service Command Rehabilitation Center aka disciplinary barracks. This is where delinquent soldiers were sent, detained, and analyzed. One of the first times the term Guided Group Interactions appeared outside the U.S. military was when it was introduced at the New Jersey Department of Corrections. One of the first times Guided Group Interactions were implemented on juvenile delinquents, is in 1975, during the experiments at Friendship House in New Hampshire.

In 1972, The National Council on Crime and Delinquency in New Jersey, whose mission was to protect children from abuse, published a report, Guided Group Interactions Used with Juvenile Offenders. A summary of the report states,


New Hampshire ignored the 1972 report from The National Council on Crime and Delinquency. New Hampshire did the exact opposite. Criteria number one for a boy's admission into Friendship House was,

1.)A feeling of uneasiness, unhappiness, or discontent with himself or his life, …

New Hampshire sought out the exact population of boys that the National Council on Crime and Delinquency said should NOT be exposed to Guided Group Interactions.

The boys at YDC Friendship House were being subject to a controversial military therapy.

Again, The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, replaced The Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. The federal government dropped the word control replacing it with justice. Marketing matters when a new product is coming, the federal government wants no association with the Control Theory, which is about to take over the United States.

Friendship House Treatment Program,

Experiment 2 Reality Therapy-

Note: Details and Timelines via the facts and dates around Reality Therapy are murky at best. By design is my conclusion. Terms around Reality Therapy change so much that your head will spin. By design is my conclusion.

The Reality Therapy Institute was established in 1967 by California psychiatrist William Glasser. 1967–1968 The Governor of California Ronald Reagan tackles California’s mental health.

Before the Institute, William Glasser had been fired from a VA hospital in California. Rewind even further and William Glasser was experimenting with chemicals, working at Dugway Proving Ground, and depending on who you speak with had direct or indirect links to MKultra. However, he does become the staff psychiatrist for juvenile delinquent girls at the Ventura School for Girls, a reform school in Ventura linked to the California Youth Authority. Some sources say this is where William Glasser began to develop Reality Therapy.

The history of Ventura Girls School looks more like a torture chamber than a school. During its early years pre-Glasser, an investigation was launched. Witnesses described a building known as the “no privilege cottage” where the “water cure” was used. The method consisted of a fire hose aimed at semi-unclothed girls while immersing them in an iced bath. A school nurse testified that girls were given apomorphine shots as a measure of discipline to induce vomiting.

Glasser has self-proclaimed that he turned the girls’ school around. I question his success given that post-Glasser the California State Inspector General issued a report describing the California Youth Authority as a,

“system in chaos that provided ineffective services in a poorly managed and highly punitive prison-like environment.”

In 1973 Behavior the Control of Perception was published by William Powers. Powers developed Perceptual Control Theory and was a medical physicist. He studied experimental and theoretical psychology and attended Northwestern University. Powers is linked to UFO research and is the creator of the board game Trippples.

In 1974 William Glasser sold millions of books worldwide on Reality Therapy, based on his theories and data gathered while working with juvenile delinquent girls.

I will remind you again, in 1974 The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act replaced the Juvenile Delinquency Prevention and Control Act of 1968. The Federal Government dropped the word control and replaced it with justice. Control will soon become the subject of William Glasser.

In 1975–1978 William Glasser wrote and produced the play Beehive. The TV show Three’s Company aired in 1977 has the same storyline. In 1973, the film Spirit of the Beehive, was released. The film is a deep look into a child’s mind and the role that fantasy and reality play in a child’s mind… William Glasser meets with William Powers. William Glasser begins to write and develop Control Theory.

In 1981–1986 The William Glasser Institute began publishing The International Journal of Reality Therapy sponsored in part by Northeastern University. The publication shares data collected from the experiments at Youth Detention Centers. “Friendship” and “Community” are widely used in all Glasser publications, journals, and teachings. The International Journal of Reality Therapy had revenue via memberships, advertising, and sponsorship. During all this President Ronald Reagan published The Nation at Risk-The Imperative For Educational Reform. Fear is born.

1986- William Glasser closes his private practice office in California. Reality Therapy and Control Theory has collected data via Youth Detention Center experiments, the ideology has now been tuned for mass consumption. William Glasser publishes Control Theory in the Classroom. A certification for instructors and teachers in Glasser’s theories is gaining popularity. Glasser begins touring the United States.

Ronald and Nancy Reagan had a plethora of California psychologists and psychiatrists in their circle, most opposing Freud. When they first met with Glasser, it needs to be clarified.

Friendship House Treatment Program,

Experiment 3 Positive Peer Pressure -

The furloughs and release process for the boys at Friendship House sounds archaic at best. When a boy personally felt he was ready to leave or perhaps begged to leave, he first needed the approval of his counselor. If he was given approval he moved onto the gauntlet. To get out the boy was,

required to confront the entire house with his request. At least 75% must vote in favor of the request before it will be considered any further.

Allow me to remind you that Friendship House had residents as young as twelve. YDC was letting children decide the fate of children via its third and final method of “treatment” Positive Peer Pressure. This is insane. Sounds like a cult for kids.

My Reality?- What attracted pedophiles and psychos to work at U.S. Youth Detention Centers?

A culture created by the U.S. Military, Federal Government, Ronald Reagan, and William Glasser, via experiments such as Friendship House.

Group treatment sessions at Friendship House were unscheduled. A New Hampshire report states,

“frequently circumstances mandate several sessions daily. The sessions are not limited to any particular length of time. Residents are encouraged to call a session when necessary and continue it until the problems have been resolved.” Sounds exhausting for a 12-year-old boy. Controlling would be an understatement

John R. Clark, Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency signs off his report on Friendship House by stating in 1976,

“This writer did encounter some difficulty in collecting resident data about this program. There is no system currently utilized to reflect the flow of residents within the program and other pertinent data. It is therefore strongly recommended that the attached form be maintained daily by project staff and retained at the Friendship House facility.”

If you read my first Medium post entitled Stop. We have to go off of tape.” The New Hampshire lawyer no priest shall name…” you may find it ironic that In 1976, John R. Clark Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency STRONGLY SUGGESTED that records should be kept on children. In 1984, as a prominent lawyer was accused of abusing a boy at Dover Children’s Home, New Hampshire courts had no problem that records were not being kept. The court case of State v. Boire in 1984, directly contradicts the 1976 report issued by, John R. Clark, Evaluation Specialist at New Hampshire Governor’s Commission on Crime and Delinquency who STRONGLY SUGGESTED records should be kept.

New Hampshire via YDC in 1975 was not tracking data on who the boys were at Friendship House because who they were did NOT matter. They were documenting the data from the experiments, to show success, and to prepare New Hampshire for mass consumption of the ideology of William Glasser. The “expert” was needed for the dip into federal funds. Seeing as brownies were laced with laxatives at Friendship House, I suspect New Hampshire knew the experiments were failing decades ago.

My data aka my theory.

The United States passed the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 and U.S. states implemented William Glasser’s theories into youth detention centers around the United States. In 2024, The U.S. Senate Human Rights Subcommittee Chairman, Jon Ossoff launched an inquiry with the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) into the abuse of youth in juvenile detention facilities in the U.S. He has requested the GAO review the state of federal oversight. Data- It has taken 50 years for the experiment’s failure to be questioned at the federal level.

Have the experiments stopped?

The experiments were certainly tweaked but in 1989 William Glasser began working with Apollo High School, an alternative school in Simi Valley, California. Brad Greene, Apollo High School Principal became one of Glasser Institute’s first educators

Glasser’s theories are now implemented in hundreds of schools worldwide. Ireland has recently launched Glasser Quality Schools via its Catholic Schools. A good fit, given the history of the Catholic Church.

If my data is correct, my theory is, that a U.S. senator will request a federal investigation into the abuse in U.S. schools nationwide at the 50-year mark, in 2039. Glasser’s theories seem to fail at the 50-year mark. The worst has yet to come.

The culture adults create for children, attracts the adults that will surround the children.

In 1989, Apollo High School Principal and Glasser Institute Instructure, Brad Greene was accused of sexual harassment. A lawsuit was settled. Brad Greene later resigned. Though countless photos exist of Glasser and Greene together, Glasser Institutes have no mention of Brad Greene.

Glasser died with millions. Glasser Institutes are worldwide, but the corp filings for Glasser hit a little tax issue in recent years. Not my story to tell…

I will tell you this, Glasser and his theories are considered a smashing success and they have infiltrated schools worldwide. The victims from the U.S. youth detention centers where Glasser and states first tested Glasser’s theories, are coming forward by the thousands. Victims are saying they were raped and tortured. Is this considered a success?

We all might want to hit pause or eject on Glasser’s theories in our current schools. Experts can be wrong. Yes, even psychologists and psychiatrists make mistakes.

Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Experiments
Cover of 1980 Review.

No matter what my abusers said, my world or state of things as they actually existed, always opposed what they wanted me to believe. Therefore I survived.

My theory has also survived. U.S. children have been abused by pedophiles and psychos hired by state governments to conduct experiments at the request of the federal government.

That is reality.


Link to Part 1 and Part 3



Niko Roswell

Historical interest in New Hampshire's history of enabling the sexual abuse of children. 5 shorts released between now and Dec 1st 2024 #adelieprotocol