“Stop. We have to go off of tape.” The New Hampshire lawyer no priest shall name…

Niko Roswell
7 min readFeb 20, 2024


Attorneys General are releasing investigations on many Catholic Dioceses. Michigan and Maryland are the most recent. Seldom, do these reports have the names of priests or lawyers misspelled. I see no misspelled names except for in the New Hampshire A.G. investigative report on the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire.

If you look up the “Catholic” Attorney, Richard Boire formerly of Rochester, New Hampshire, you will see an obituary with a comment that stands out, at least to me…

“Many people knew Dickie (what everyone called him) and he was a very big part of the Rochester community. He used to throw an annual party for Granite State Title business he owned and half of Rochester would attend. This was the biggest party you ever went to. Petting zoo for the kids, carnival games, oompah band playing, tents with all kinds of food and horse carriage rides to get up the giant hill he lived on. He loved people, made you laugh had amazing stories and most importantly he always made you feel welcomed. He was a brilliant man and loved kids and always spoiled mine when we came to visit. I will never forget those times and man he was. RIP Dickie, you will be missed!”


For most people, this may seem like a sweet gesture referencing days gone by. For those of us who grew up in Rochester and Dover, New Hampshire, those parties may stir up some darker memories.

Attorney Boire was synonymous with Catholic. If you were a kid in the 80s or 90s, attending any Catholic facility in Rochester, New Hampshire you knew of Richard Boire. I was a Rochester Catholic School student until I mysteriously left ( a different story with lots of lawyers and court cases spanning years, story to come ). I attended St Mary’s Church and sometimes Holy Rosary Church. I knew Richard Boire. He used to rub my shoulders a lot. He was a, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours kinda guy.

Heck, It was not just Rochester and Dover locals who knew Attorney Richard Boire. Most New Hampshire politicians or political hopefuls knew Attorney Richard Boire. If you were running for office you wanted his support. Boire was well-connected. Before Attorney James Duggan became a Supreme Court Justice, he defended Richard Boire. What charges was Attorney Richard Boire facing? Drum Roll Please! Aggravated felonious sexual assault upon a resident of the Dover Children’s Home.

New Hampshire loves due process aka destroying records.

As for Dover Children’s Home lots of records are missing…Check U.N.H’s library archives for yourself. The Sign-Out Sheets are missing.


During these years of missing sign-out sheets over at Dover Children’s Home, county chaplains held “office” throughout New Hampshire, authority reached far past giving Final Holy Communion. As the state of N.H. in 1983–1984 considered charges against its own, Attorney Richard Boire, sign-out sheets were still not implemented over at Dover Children’s Home. They were documenting everything and not who took the kids out of the facility on overnights? Doubtful. Are we to assume the evening staff just did nighttime rounds going “oh I wonder where Jane and John Doe are tonight?”

After charges of sexual assault were brought against Attorney Richard Boire, according to U.N.H archives, Dover Children’s Home still didn’t start documenting sign-outs for almost 5 years. This is so disturbing it’s funny.

If you look at Dover, New Hampshire’s / Strafford County elected officials before 1983 you will see that chaplains ( 1 Catholic and 1 Protestant ) are listed in all county reports. The Catholic chaplains acted as New Hampshire “elected/appointed” officials. Some of the New Hampshire county chaplains overseeing Catholic city duties, for the state of New Hampshire, are also found on various list of Credibly Accused Priests. Say what!? Many of the county chaplains worked hand in hand with police, mayors, cities etc. They were rubbing elbows with city elites such as wealthy New Hampshire attorneys, as they were raping children. In particular, Strafford County (Dover) 1981, Catholic chaplain- Father Gerard Beaudet is also a Credibly Accused Priest. Oddly, he was the Strafford County’s (Dover) chaplain in 1981, the same year that Attorney Richard Boire was accused of commiting felonious sexual assault upon a resident of Dover Children’s Home. This doesn’t look good… Was Father Gerard Beaudet on Attorney Richard Boire’s guests list for that legendary annual party? I know another priest was…



So who decided to stop or destroy the sign-out sheets at Dover Children’s Home? The Catholic Church, the state of New Hampshire, or a mix of both? What investigation has the Attorney General of New Hampshire done on this matter?

What happened in the case of Attorney Richard Boire committing felonious sexual assault upon a resident of Dover Childre’s Home? Future Supreme Court Justice -Attorney James Duggan got Attorney Richard Boire off! He walked. The New Hampshire courts decided there was no evidence to support the victim’s claims, partially based on a lack of sign-out sheets on file at Dover Children’s Home. Laughable. Guess what else this victim didn’t have. Loving responsible guardians…


Something tells me that after Attorney James Duggan helped Attorney Richard Boire with this pickle, he got Boire’s support to move up the ranks to Supreme Court Justice. I wish I could have tipped Duggan off in the 1980s. I was busy being young and getting groomed for my turn in the New Hampshire, Sexual Abuse Fun House that plagued the state. Shout out to the thousands of survivors coming forward now.


Attorney Richard Boire was well known for this annual party. He always invited the children from Dover Children’s Home and St Charles Orphanage, as alluded to in his obituary. As a society, we now know that a predator loves an unaccompanied minor. Perhaps New Hampshire should use caution as it appoints all Mckinney Vento Liaison. The Government employees who oversaw my forensic interview with the state of New Hampshire hopefully acted on this.

In the 80s and 90s, Attorney Richard Boire’s house was often a topic of discussion for parents of students attending Rochester Catholic School which later was renamed Saint Elizabeth Seton School. Boire topics ranged from, the incident with 2 boys touching one another’s privates at Boire’s house, St Charles Orphanage no longer letting kids go to the “parties’’ at Boire’s house, the incident of aggravated felonious sexual assault upon a minor resident of Dover Children’s Home by Boire, and well, there was Boire mysteriously driving me and an orphan home that day…

Enough of that! Let’s get to the good stuff!

The Attorney General of New Hampshire’s very flawed investigation of the Catholic Church has many mysteries, from the incarceration of the innocent to the lack of charges brought on the guilty. Perhaps one of the greatest mysteries in the A.G. Report on The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire can be found in Father Leo Landry’s file. At the bottom of page 42, Father Leo Landry is being questioned by Attorney General investigators about abusing students at St Elizabeth Seton School in Rochester, New Hampshire when he says:

“No, I, I went to there’s an attorney, a kind of business lawyer in Rochester, by the name of Dick Bois, I think.”

No sooner does he say “Dick Bois” when his attorney interjects:

“STOP, we have to go off of tape.”

What happens next reeks of a scandal. The tape is stopped and when it picks back up Father Leo Landry goes into detail about “Dick Bois’s” assistance in handling the allegations against him.

Let’s get one thing clear: “Dick Bois” is Attorney Richard Boire. Father Leo Landy stuttering “By the name of Dick Bois, I think” is a total lie. Every adult involved in the Catholic community of Rochester, New Hampshire knew this guy’s name. Father Leo Landry had Richard Boire’s kid in his French class… Boire is French, and Father Leo Landry is fluent in the French language. So let’s trust that Father Leo Landry is lying and knows his real name…


I am not surprised that right as Father Leo Landry says the very name “Dick Bois” investigators stopped recording at the request of Father Leo Landry’s Attorney. I mean, everyone has to get the story straight when it comes to Dick. After all, we don’t want anyone thinking the Diocese of Manchester N.H. has speed-dial linked to lawyers with personal, VERY personal experience in covering up the sexual abuse of children.

I politely ask that the Attorney General of New Hampshire, dig a little deeper into:

-The former case/allegations against Attorney Richard Boire.

-Attorney Richard Boire’s involvement with The Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire as a possible “fixer”, who was likely taking referral fees. and

-New Hampshire’s history of “elected/appointed” county Catholic chaplains who were accused of sexual abuse. Do not forget the Catholic county chaplains were submitting receipts to county treasures for reimbursement from city funds (another story to come).

As for the public, Why do you think the Attorney General of New Hampshire published a report with a false name of a prominent New Hampshire Attorney sorting deals to get Catholic priests off on allegations of sexual abuse? Was he the pro because he had firsthand experience getting away with it?

With no explanation or name correction in the A.G. report, as it pertains to “Dick Bois’s” real name is Attorney Richard Boire, I can’t help but wonder, Is this circumstantial evidence that the 2002 New Hampshire A.G. investigation of the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire is flawed? Should New Hampshire reopen an investigation into the Diocese of Manchester, New Hampshire 22 years later? What other A.G. documents are published with fake names…

Attorney Richard Boire: The New Hampshire expert on how to get away with aggravated felonious sexual assault of an unaccompanied minor. Step 1: call your other lawyer friends for an assist.

It’s a stepping stone to becoming a Superior Court Justice.

This is a scandal. Only the start of what I have uncovered.

What is the point of publishing reports with fake names if the objective of the state and church is to be transparent? Perhaps I am missing the point, maybe the entire report is simply to mislead.





Niko Roswell

Historical interest in New Hampshire's history of enabling the sexual abuse of children. 5 shorts released between now and Dec 1st 2024 #adelieprotocol