Photo By: Chase Yi

Beyond Laziness

7 Reasons You Are Unsuccessful. It Isn’t Because You’re Lazy. It’s This

The Real Culprits of Unsuccess

3 min readOct 30, 2023


For most of my life, my friends, family, colleagues, teachers, etc. have told me I’m lazy.


But what if everyone is wrong? What if everyone is quick to judge and conclude?

When I looked up the definition of lazy, this is what was thrown at me👇🏾

Definition of the word Lazy on Wordhippo

Throughout my life, I’ve been able to achieve things I’ve set my sights on.

Maybe not to the degree or the standards I set myself but that’s life.

  • I’ve learned a new language from scratch.
  • I’ve published an article consecutively for 250+ days.
  • I’ve been practising yoga consistently for the last 4 years.

A lazy person doesn’t do this.

Thankfully, I never agreed to the label “You’re Lazy” and it has served me well.

If you too are labelled lazy, here are 7 reasons that might be ailing you in your journey:



Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)