5 tips to get you through life in lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic is becoming a brutal psychological test. Find out 5 of our 10 best tips for living in lockdown.

3 min readApr 3, 2020

Given the current global situation caused by Coronavuris, many companies are moving their business online, employees now have to work from home, and the adjustment isn’t always easy. Social distancing and isolation often cause a feeling of extreme loneliness and boredom. Millions of people experience anxiety, depression and mental health problems.

During these challenging times, your self-care is critical, and in fact, it can even help you with focus and productivity.

Changes to lifestyle during this difficult period can adversely affect people’s wellbeing. It is always important to protect mental health

With that being said, here are 5 of our10 best tips for living in lockdown:

1️⃣ Stay connected

People who are staying home can set up group chats via Zoom or FaceTime or some other platform. Zoom parties are becoming a trend now.

2️⃣ Stay active

Just because you are stuck at home doesn’t mean you can’t work out. World Health Organization recommends 75 to 150 minutes of physical activity during the week.

According to the World Health Organization, low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life. It can cause stress, anxiety and can be a huge challenge for mental health.

One way to encourage ourselves and avoid mental health issues is to become more active. Lots of fitness companies offer free training programs. You can learn more about all about there here. There’s so much you can do without any equipment.

3️⃣ Eat healthy food

Your diet is the key to strengthen your immune system — buy healthy groceries, ditch processed food.

4️⃣ Journaling

Journaling is a powerful way that helps reduce stress, increase self-reflection, and create a better sense of well-being.

A journal is more than a place for your personal thoughts. It can help you frame your questions and motivate you to envision your future.

There are many types of journaling, from gratitude journaling to bullet journaling. You can choose whatever seems comfortable for you, there’s no “right” or “wrong” type of journaling, it all depends on why you’re doing it

Learn more about journaling from Matt D’Avella and Nathanael Drew.

5️⃣ Maintain healthy sleep habits

Without the structure of having to get to school, college or the workplace, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy sleep habits like going to bed later and getting up later. Changes to your sleep cycle now could go on to impact your mood in the weeks and months ahead.

The negative impact of sleep disruption on mood is well-established.

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