Growing Up Sucks!!

And here’s a reason why

Nischal Maharjan
2 min readFeb 10, 2022
Photo by joyce huis on Unsplash

Life is very strange.

It’s strange to think that as kids we couldn’t wait to grow up but when we do grow up it’s not as fun as we thought it would be.

I recently had an eye-opening and in some ways very uncomfortable experience that changed my perspective about growing up.

So a few days ago, one of my friends asked me for my help on a subject. We weren’t like the best mates or anything, just casual friends who spoke once in a blue moon.

So I got a message for a small help, which was not a big deal but the second I read the part where it said he needed some help, my mind started to think about the benefits I might have if I helped him. Which left me disgusted about myself and made me reflect on how I have changed.

If this was a few years ago, I would just be “yeah ok, I’ll help” or “sorry, I can’t”, not thinking of the future or all the advantages I might have. I might have used this opportunity to be good friends with him but now I just saw him as a person to advance in my career.

I felt so selfish. I kind of wish I still had the same childish innocence, where I wouldn’t look at my friends or any other person as an opportunity.

I really don’t know what to make of this.

Is this a part of growing up? or am I just overthinking?

Life is about change.
Sometimes it’s painful.
Sometimes it’s beautiful.
But most of the time, it’s both.

I don’t know if this is painful or beautiful. The only thing that is certain about life is it keeps going.

This is a special mention to Ghina Zaidi who is the kindest person I’ve met. Check out her poem “Power of Love” here.

Power of your love. A love poem. | by Ghina Zaidi | Coffee Times | Medium



Nischal Maharjan

A lost person writing to find some answers | Overthinker