Are There Lemurians on the Moon?

A speculative article on Lemurian origins.

Noah Hradek
6 min readJul 7, 2024
Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Lemuria or Mu was a mythical lost continent that supposedly existed in the Pacific over ten thousand years ago. Nobody knows exactly where the continent was but most place it in the Pacific near the Pacific islands like Hawaii, Guam, The Marshall Islands, and New Caledonia. There was a real continent in the Pacific that submerged millions of years ago called Zeelandia which may be the real Lemuria, however, it sunk over 20 million years ago. I’ve also wondered if Lemuria could be referring to the Indonesian and Philippine islands thousands of years ago when sea levels were much lower. We’re always learning new things about the past including the idea that civilization once existed where it was thought that it couldn’t.

I don’t think the idea of Lemuria or Mu is all that outlandish. The Pacific is highly geologically active. A major eruption or geological shift due to sudden plate movements could have wiped out evidence of the civilization on the surface or a large tsunami could have wiped it out. The 2004 Indonesian tsunami wiped out many coastal towns and volcanic eruptions occur all the time in the ring of fire around the Pacific. Lemuria was commonly attributed to Theosophy and the ideas of Helena Blavatsky who believed it was the source of a root race. A progenitor race before the current race of men.

The reason I bring up Lemuria is because of what JP describes in his first book with Michael Salla: US Army Insiders. According to JP along with another Chinese male named Shien, he went on missions with another Indian male named Lovent. Lovent is supposedly from an underground city on the moon. Not only is he from this city but he was born there which means he was at least born in the 1970s or 1980s. The city likely resides in a lava tube providing cover and likely water which are great for moon colonization and provide water and a comfortable temperature.

The only problem with this is that from what I know, the Indian space program (ISRO) doesn’t have the capabilities to set up a city on the moon. India is also a very poor country with a GDP per capita of only $2,485 in 2023. ISRO only has a budget of at most $2 billion which is a fraction of NASA’s budget. Setting up a covert moon base and sending multiple spaceships there would be very costly. Even for a wealthy country like the United States setting up a moonbase would be difficult and expensive and the city Lovent is from is described as a small city on the moon rather than just a base.

I’ve explained in prior articles why I think JP is being honest about his experiences. However, even this revelation, I had difficulty accepting. It didn't make any sense and I couldn’t understand how the Indians built a city on the moon. Until I realized they may not be from India at all. JP only said he looked Indian, not that he was from India. Lots of people look Indian, for example, Aboriginal Australians have a very dark complexion that looks identical to people from southern India. Likewise, many Peruvians and South Americans from interior parts of South America further from European colonization have a very brown complexion. They may all be genetically related to some previous colonizer race since there are genetic relations between American and Austronesian populations

Assuming Lemurians are originally from the south and mid-Pacific, they probably aren't white or northern Asiatic but similar to Austronesian populations and Aboriginal Australians. Indigenous South Americans have a genetic connection to aboriginal populations and this likely originates over the Pacific rather than northern routes which would have a more distinct Inuit and Eastern Asiatic appearance as those descended from Siberians. Pacific islanders and Polynesians made it to Easter Island (Rapa Nu) so it’s not a stretch to think they made it to mainland South America. So then assume there was some prehistoric civilization in the Pacific or Australia called “Lemuria” and this civilization built the civilization in the Amazon. Then Lemuria would be the genetic source between Austronesia and South America.

Here’s get a bit out there and wacky and I might lose ya’ll. However, I think JP is telling the truth and I also think that Dan Fry, the author of The White Sands Incident might have had real experiences with UFO occupants as well. He met a Lemurian named Alan who told him a story about the origins of his people.

“On a high plateau, in what is now the country of Tibet, six of our aerial craft had been landed by their crews. A council was held to determine what, if anything, could be done.

“It was suggested that an attempt be made to reach another planet. The aerial craft then in use were capable of traveling in space and had been frequently used to reach elevations of a few hundred miles above the surface of the earth. However, no attempt had yet been made to leap the gulf between planets, and the crew members were far from certain that such an attempt would prove successful.

“The planet, which you now know as Mars, was then in conjunction with the earth and, at that time, the surface conditions of temperature, atmosphere, water, etc., were much better suited for human survival than the conditions which your astronomers report to exist at the present time.

“A vote was taken and the members of the crews of four of the craft elected to take the huge gamble in the hope of preserving thereby, at least a portion of the culture of the race.

“The remaining crew members believed that because of the elevation of the plateau on which they were gathered and the comparatively low level of the radiation which existed there, that they could continue to live in this area without suffering complete physical or mental degeneration in themselves or their descendants. They elected to remain.

“Since I can see the question which is forming in your mind, I will explain that this race had achieved perfect equality of the sexes and both were about equally represented in this council. Of the four craft which essayed the great leap, three arrived safely at their destination. There is no record in our history as to the fate of the fourth. — White Sands Incident

This sounds outrageous and I concur, it’s a bit out there, Daniel Fry doesn’t have much support for this story and there are some questionable points he makes. However, it fits with the colonization of Mars and the moon. We already know Mars a few million years ago was probably habitable and had life and water. Life has been possibly and even probably found on Mars already and it’s easy to surmise any civilization could have survived there long ago. Even though the face on Mars has been debunked there are many other indications of civilization on Mars. Pyramids in the Cydonia region on Mars might be artificial although no large-scale study to date has looked at them yet and John Brandenburg has studied the possibility that there was once a nuclear war on the planet.

I’m not saying this is proof of what Daniel Fry wrote, however, along with the evidence for JP it is indicative of some other civilization inhabiting this solar system for at least a few million years. I’m a bit hesitant to put the remote viewing of Mars by Ingo Swann here, however, Ingo also found evidence of a civilization on Mars a long time ago although this was not obtained directly but through remote viewing which is why I am a bit skeptical. The Lemurians could have left from Mars to the moon and built cities on the moon thousands of years ago. The Lemurians on the moon hypothesis is a bit far-fetched and it may be incorrect. It’s just speculation for now. I’m not saying I’m right about this, however, it does make sense in the context and would fit the observations of a possible civilization on Mars and the Moon.

