The Evidence to Support An Anonymous Whistleblower

JP is telling the truth.

Noah Hradek
4 min readMay 6, 2024
Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

There’s considerable circumstantial evidence to support the anonymous whistleblower JP whom Michael Salla has interviewed multiple times. I will review some of these interviews but also explain the evidence that supports his case. There’s quite a bit that stands up for what he says and despite anonymity, he might be telling the truth. However, there is no guarantee of that and I cannot guarantee everything he says is accurate. However, first a summary of what JP says in his interviews.

  1. There are multiple space arks hidden around the world. A few are in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. One is in Ukraine and another is in the Bermuda Triangle. These space arks contain artifacts of immense importance and are guarded to keep them safe. Some of these artifacts are life-extension technologies.
  2. The secret military uses time travel technology to travel back in time to do research on the space arks not only in the past but also in the future.
  3. There is a temporal “war” with multiple factions vying for supremacy on different timelines. Different timelines exist and we traverse them since time is non-linear.
  4. The US military not only knows about this but is covertly flying TR-3 B-like spacecraft to these space arks. There are naval platforms that support this mission in the Atlantic Ocean.
  5. American pilots are being trained by the “Nordics” in missions to fly the triangular TR-3B spacecraft.

This all sounds absurd, like an episode of Dr. Who or a plot point in a Star Trek episode, but that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. There are multiple reasons to suppose JP is telling the truth. Since he’s anonymous it’s next to impossible to verify his background although I would hope Michael Salla has done his due diligence. However, there is a lot of indirect evidence that corroborates and supports what JP says. For one JP supplies photos, a lot of photos, and they can be verified.

I used error level analysis which finds discrepancies in the photographs due to varying compression levels and so far no serious issues can be found. They seem to be legitimate and correspond to real black triangles and pod-shaped craft that JP has observed over the years. Michael Salla also pointed out how a naval group was positioned near the Bermuda Triangle close to where the space ark supposedly is located. This is from one of his anonymous sources who has access to naval data.

However, what convinces me the most is the data. The data strongly indicates JP is telling the truth and there really is a space ark in the Atlantic near the Bermuda Triangle. Look at the top ten countries for number of UFO sightings per 100k people.

NUFORC and World Bank (Population from 2022)

Bermuda has nearly 27 sightings per 100k. Compared to Canada it has nearly double the number of UFO sightings per capita and over five times the number of sightings per capita as Great Britain. That’s astounding because both countries speak English like Bermuda and so wouldn’t be subject to biases implicit in the dataset due to language differences. The one explanation that does fit the data is some source, like a space ark releasing orbs or some sort of drone that is being picked up by people in the area. The data from American cities also supports this hypothesis, with cities like Myrtle Beach and West Palm Beach having much higher sighting counts per capita than any other major eastern metro.

I have to conclude that somehow JP knows all of this. Either he himself has inside knowledge or he overheard it. However, the simplest explanation is that JP is telling the truth and he really has been to a space ark in the Bermuda Triangle and knows about the entire situation. This may seem a bit out there but it directly follows from the data. I invite anyone to contest me on this and do your own analysis. I will provide the notebook to reproduce the results and you have to obtain the data from appropriate sources provided in the links in the caption below the table. The data strongly supports the space ark hypothesis as JP describes and one must wonder what the consequences of this are. Timeline shifting, temporal war, and anomalous orbs are being released. When the space arks are revealed what will happen, will everyone cower in fear? Even I’m not sure.

