The Wanderers

Could an advanced extraterrestrial civilization blend in?

Noah Hradek
18 min readMar 10, 2023
Gray alien
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There’s a mystery at the heart of our modern civilization. Why does it seem humanity is like an uncontacted tribe even though numerous stars are in the sky and more exoplanets are discovered yearly? The answers we get from established institutions are usually not satisfactory. They claim there is no evidence to support the notion, despite their own scientists saying otherwise. Must we content ourselves to give up on an answer? I think the truth lies closer to home. Maybe extraterrestrial life is already among us?

We might find the answer in an esoteric text from the 70s channeled by a psychic in collaboration with an airplane pilot and physicist. The wanderer is a soul incarnate on earth from other worlds and dimensions. They are souls that have had differing experiences but come to earth to provide a service of some kind. It may sound like nonsense, but this is one of the logical ways an extraterrestrial civilization might study and change a less technologically advanced society. In addition to wanderers, other extraterrestrials might blend in using disguises and technology.

I am not claiming everyone on earth is an extraterrestrial or that this is definitely what is going on. This is a logical mode of extraterrestrial contact and is a reasonable explanation for anomalies in the human record. Be skeptical if you want, but I hope I can provide a coherent argument for why this might be true. This will help resolve the Fermi Paradox, which I don’t view as a paradox as much as a limited imagination. I think the resolution to the paradox lies not in assuming there is no intelligent extraterrestrial life but in asking a different question, why would it reveal itself to us?

Let’s first look at what a supposed extraterrestrial and interdimensional being named Ra says about extraterrestrial souls.

12.26 Questioner: Thank you. Well, you spoke of Wanderers. Who are Wanderers? Where do they come from?

Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the sands of your shores. As countless as the grains of sand are the sources of intelligent infinity. When a social memory complex has achieved its complete understanding of its desire, it may conclude that its desire is service to others with the distortion towards reaching their hand, figuratively, to any entities who call for aid. These entities whom you may call the Brothers and Sisters of Sorrow move towards this calling of sorrow. These entities are from all reaches of the infinite creation and are bound together by the desire to serve in this distortion.

Let’s unpack what he’s saying here a bit. Intelligent infinity is Ra’s term for god; a social memory complex is a society that has achieved significant social cohesion; it can share memories over a vast scale. Our society is becoming like this with the internet and television as images and media are instantly spread over vast areas of the world. Ra refers to these wanderers as Brothers and Sisters of sorrow, a term implying they are seeking to ease the world of a burden or they themselves are unhappy. There is a seeking for something higher than just the perversity of everyday life.

Distortion is Ra’s term referring to the levels of consciousness. For Ra, there are multiple levels of consciousness, and earth is in the third “density” of consciousness, transitioning to the fourth. This means that earth is going from a highly divisionary state of consciousness to a group-minded higher consciousness that incorporates a collective consciousness. This is similar to Jung’s idea of a collective unconscious. These wanderers are here to help make that transition.

Ra claims at the time that there were 65 million wanderers incarnate on earth. That seems like a large number, but it pales in comparison to the world population. For reference, that’s only a bit smaller than the present population of the United Kingdom. That number of people would seem powerful if they were openly known, but I doubt some wanderers even know who they are; maybe just a vague idea without definiteness. Wanderers are, in some sense, extraterrestrial souls who incarnate to help the earth transition into a different state of consciousness. In addition to wanderers, Ra refers to various extraterrestrials that can live on Earth by blending in through various methods.

This all seems okay, but there’s no evidence of this, right? Ra’s claims can’t be fully validated yet. I’m not claiming Ra is entirely correct. However, there’s lots of evidence for a likely extraterrestrial visitation. The physicist Stanton Friedman, historian Richard Dolan, researcher Jacques Vallee, and others have studied this phenomenon. They have concluded that it is extraterrestrial or interdimensional of some sort. There are incidents like the sighting over Nuremberg in 1561 that read like a space battle from Battlestar Galactica. Often dismissed as a solar phenomenon, the written accounts and the images don’t look like any solar phenomenon previously observed. There are many more crashes and encounters like this that occurred in the historical record.

I don’t wish to completely quiet the skeptic because we need doubt. However, anyone would be hard-pressed to explain why so much strangeness has happened recently. I think recent events, such as those unidentified crafts that were seen by Alex Dietrich, Ryan Graves, and others, must make us wonder what was going on and revise how likely extraterrestrial contact has been. I don’t think it’s unlikely anymore but a reasonable explanation for unreasonable events.

Ra has a lot to say about unidentified aerial objects, but let’s focus on these wanderers for now. I want to show why this would be a plausible method of extraterrestrial contact. Let’s start with a thought experiment. Let’s say you are an extraterrestrial civilization, maybe millions of years old, and you have recently encountered a planet or have known about it for a very long time. This world is primitive, with an ape-like species developing on it that is in a primitive tool-making phase with stone, shale, and obsidian tools. This is much the way early Homo Erectus and Homo Sapiens society was. This society was developing but had difficulty comprehending things outside their little world.

Would you start an open contact, talking to everyone and announcing your existence? Maybe you’d do that, but open contact might cause rampant fear in the population and factions to arise over who perceived the new civilization as gods or superior in some way. Yet ignoring them likely wouldn’t be a good option if you intend to study them or use the planet's resources in some way. Even if you did ignore them, the development of space travel would eventually cause them to encounter your civilization. Another option might be outright conquest, but against primitives, there would be no reason to conquer the locals with a fight, and you would lose any substantial labor potential that came from the locals.

A better option might be hiding your existence and secretly coexisting with the locals, slowly adapting the society to meet what you need, and changing it to fit your mission in the world. In the game Stellaris, there’s a term for this, covert infiltration, where you blend in with society to change it. You can blend in and infiltrate a society in various ways, using technology, mental influence, or as Ra claims, souls incarnating. It would be a much less risky way of modifying and studying a society than outright public contact. However, I will contend later with the Vrillion transmission and WOW signal that such contact may have occurred already.

The historian David Jacobs thinks this is exactly what is happening; although he puts a negative spin on it, he might be right. His research of contactees indicates a likely hidden extraterrestrial presence that might remain hidden for self-preservation or more nefarious reasons. If your civilization was composed of humanoids similar enough to humans from earth, you might find it easy to use technology to blend in. Nobody would bat an eye because the natives would consider it impossible, allowing you to remain hidden.

There’s a Scooby Doo episode that reminds me of this, where the gang meets a blue extraterrestrial woman who befriends Shaggy. She uses cloaking technology to hide her appearance and pretend to be a Native American woman. The gang suspected something was up because of how they acted. In the end, she reveals her real form and saves the gang from doom. What if that weren’t just a fictional cartoon but represented some possible reality?

This sounds completely outlandish, but is it? Many animals cloak themselves to hide from predators and even their own kind. Chameleons change their color to match their environment. Leaf butterflies look like leaves and can easily hide among trees and bushes. Any sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial civilization would probably have the capability, either technologically or not. In the modern day, we use Zoom and Snapchat filters to change our appearance. A likely projection of the future would be technology that lets us entirely digitally alter our appearance through technology on the eye, like Google Glass or some other mechanism.

I’m not saying there are hidden aliens everywhere; that’s not even what the Law of One was implying exactly. In the philosophy of Ra, humans can reincarnate through different cycles. If they have a karmic involvement, a soul who comes from somewhere else and incarnates on earth must reincarnate back on Earth. This is more of what Ra was implying than hidden aliens using technology to camouflage. So an extraterrestrial could come to earth, then die and reincarnate as a human. Ra claims that wanderers come from all corners of the universe, so that they might have originally had different appearances. Some may have been similar to humans from earth, and others not. Ra may be entirely wrong, but that doesn’t negate the fact that there could be hidden extraterrestrial life everywhere around us.

So if this is the case, where is the evidence? If there are shapeshifting extraterrestrials somewhere, then there must be evidence, right? Yes, but not of the physical variety but of the mythological kind. During my research, I’ve come across many stories of shapeshifters. The mythological and folkloric literature contains accounts of shapeshifting beings who inhabited earth and mixed with the native people. European lore has many tales of shapeshifters who blend in with the human population.

In Romano-Greco mythology, the gods like Zeus could shapeshift and take any form they wished. Usually to seduce mortal human women in his case. The same is true of nordic gods like Loki and Odin, who often took the form of an old man and, at other times, a bird. Shapeshifting was quite significant throughout Celtic and Norse mythology. Selkies from Ireland were men who would take off a seal suit to become human. Morrigan was a shapeshifting Celtic goddess who helped men at war.

In North America, the Ijiraat of the Inuit of Canada and Alaska were shapeshifters talked about by medicine men and women. After encountering the Ijiraat, one could expect memory loss and confusion. This is like after a supposed abduction where the abudctee had their memories wiped; men-in-black style. Throughout the Americas, legends of shapeshifters like skinwalkers prevail, beings who were once human but became cursed and able to change form. I’ve heard many stories of shapeshifting wolfmen almost like Wolverine or another creature that inhabits the forests of America. In Japan, there are many Yokai (spiritual beings) that can shapeshift like the Obake, literally meaning “transforming thing.”

In India, there are legends of a mythological shapeshifting serpent race called the Naga. This reminds me of the Lacerta files from a supposed reptilian lifeform living underground. Journalists and academics laugh at David Icke, but he’s also studied much of the mythological record and come to similar conclusions. He believes much of the world's power structure is controlled by reptilians. Often conspiracies like these are dismissed, that is, until they become true. This has been true time and time again, with false flags like the pentagon papers, MKULTRA, modern surveillance programs, and more.

Some of these legends, they sound more like ghosts than physical beings, but in others, they sound like supernatural humanoid lifeforms that can shapeshift. There are many more stories like these. You can try to dismiss these stories, but why were there so many, and why were they so frequent? Were these really just figurative, or could there be a literal truth in them? Are these beings really from far away? That remains to be seen; maybe they are native to earth and not from afar.

If there is such an extraterrestrial presence on earth, hidden either by spiritual, technological, or just plain ignorance, what would they want, and what would they be like? Ra itself claims to represent an extraterrestrial confederation. We might laugh at this, except there have been former officials, like former Israeli intelligence and space official Haim Eshed claiming exactly that. Many witnesses over the years have claimed the existence of galactic federations that interact with the earth. Another official who made a similar claim is Paul Hellyer, the former Canadian defense minister.

Regarding public contact, this may have already occurred but was dismissed. People still think the Vrillion transmission was a hoax, and maybe it is, but it also could have represented a legitimate broadcast by some unknown extraterrestrial being. So far, nobody has claimed responsibility, and the know-how to accomplish the hijacking must have required some technical knowledge. This quote, in particular, from Vrillion, mirrors what Ra has said.

You know now that we are here, and that there are more beings on and around your Earth than your scientists admit. We are deeply concerned about you and your path towards the light and will do all we can to help you. Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves, and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth.

Does Vrillion mean shapeshifting technology, or is it more akin to the wanderers who reincarnate? I don’t know; maybe it’s all nonsense, but from my perspective, the likelihood of this as a possibility grows. There’s no easy way to test this without actual technological artifacts scientifically, but it should be studied as a possibility from an anthropological perspective. We might be like remote Amazonians in the jungle who briefly make contact with outsiders but dismiss it as mere figments of the imagination. Could we already have had radio signals from elsewhere and just missed them?

Another piece of evidence that we might have been contacted is the WOW signal, a strange broadcast picked up by SETI radio receivers in 1977. Often the WOW signal is dismissed, but it had unusual characteristics that made many astronomers wonder and still has no definite explanation to this day. Although some astronomers think it was probably a radio signal given off by a comet, this hasn’t been shown conclusively yet.

We always tend to prefix these ideas with “probably not,” however, for many incidents, there has been so sufficient natural explanation. An intelligent source might be the best explanation when we don’t have a sufficient natural explanation. Another mystery has been FRB (Fast Radio Bursts) which may have some extraterrestrial explanation. There has been no definite natural explanation, although that can’t be ruled out yet. They could be from stellar objects, but some could have another source. Any repetitive pattern indicative of intelligence picked up in an FRB might indicate this. We might find out eventually what the sources of these transmissions are.

The question still remains of what is going on. We could dismiss some of this as evidence as hoax, superstition, or nonsense but all of it? There is reasonable evidence for the possibility of a hidden extraterrestrial influence on humanity. If there really were such presence, would anybody believe it if it announced itself? We might ask them to land on the white house lawn, but I’m certain talking heads on CNN would say it was a hoax too. Maybe we are all such wanderers roving the universe in some cosmic game of hide and seek.

An argument against the vastness argument

Before I finish, I wish to address some common arguments made against extraterrestrial visitation and colonization. The first, commonly made by astronomers who should know better, is that the distances between stars are too vast. This is true if you’re talking about the other side of the galaxy. The Milky Way is around 120,000 light-years across or nearly 36791 parsecs. That is a vast distance, and it would take millennia at almost the speed of light to traverse. However, Alpha Centauri, the nearest star to earth, is a mere 4ly (light years) away and traveling at 0.5c (times the speed of light), it would take nearly eight years. Sirius is around 8.6ly, and it might take about 16 years to travel at half the speed of light.

So even at only half the speed of light, they would be visitable within a human lifetime with the right propulsion system. Chemical propulsion likely wouldn’t do, but an advanced electromagnetic and fusion or fission powered propulsion system might. With some simple math, we can calculate the acceleration necessary to accelerate to 0.5c in a year, around 4.75 m/s2. A blue-origin rocket had a launch acceleration of around 19.6 m/s2, which is nearly four times larger than the acceleration necessary to propel a spaceship up to 0.5c. True, a chemical rocket is difficult to sustain acceleration for long periods of time, but other mechanisms need less fuel or rely on fusion instead. It’s entirely conceivable to do this with near-future propulsion systems.

In fact, simulations show that colonization of the galaxy would be inevitable if at least a few civilizations started expanding out from a galactic arm. The argument against colonization because of distance is like arguing that the Polynesians couldn’t have colonized the pacific because the pacific is too vast, which is obviously incorrect. The tenacity of human exploration led to colonization throughout the pacific. The vastness of space, likewise, isn’t too vast to be colonized. Now the argument might be that there are no extraterrestrial civilizations nearby, but that also requires an argument for why that would be the case. So far, we’ve found hundreds of exoplanets nearby, and many are potentially habitable. Without a reason why life and civilization could not develop there, I don’t see why this isn’t possible.

The argument against no evidence

The second argument I want to make is against the argument that if such contact occurred, there would be evidence in plain sight. Sometimes claims like we would know about it because we work at “X respected institution.” Ignoring the countless contactees that Richard Dolan and David Jacobs have both researched. In addition to the military witnesses that exist. It would be difficult to find evidence against such contact. It’s difficult to prove a negative, like saying there are no pink elephants; you need one counterexample. In addition, such claims often assume all these contacts would be open and benevolent, but where do such assumptions come from? Humans operate in secrecy and subterfuge often. Intelligence agencies make it their mission to influence governments covertly.

Would such extraterrestrial civilizations really make such open contact? This may be too much of an anthropomorphic argument, but any space-faring civilization would likely have some notion of secrecy, and such secrecy would aid them in colonization or research efforts. Do we even go to other countries openly and ask them nicely? The litany of failed coups and machinations against foreign governments by American, Soviet, and Chinese operatives say otherwise. We must not think that just because there hasn’t been open contact on a large scale, there isn’t covert contact.

The argument against extraterrestrial life

I’ve heard this argument many times, and yet I don’t buy it. I liken it to arguing that life only exists in North America. I think it stems from a fear of learning the truth, even if it’s not so great. There are dangerous animals and likely dangerous life beyond earth. In contesting this argument, the claim would have to be made that earth is the only planet capable of sustaining extraterrestrial life; one counterexample could falsify this. Even claiming there is no extraterrestrial life capable of building interstellar spacecraft is difficult to argue. We’ve done it, Voyager 2, which is currently in interstellar space. If it can be done once, then it can be done again. I’m not saying it’s common necessarily.

If civilization survives long enough I think it might be inevitable, although this might be a notion up for debate. However, some of the probabilities which make up the Drake equation determining the likelihood of interstellar civilization are still unknown. In time these probabilities may be known. We know there are thousands of exoplanets so far, and some are likely habitable. So with these types of exoplanets more common than once thought it's conceivable that they might hold other life.

The Argument against Humanoid Extraterrestrials

This is a more reasonable argument; it’s anthropocentric to assume that beings would be humanoids. Why don’t they look like goopy monsters? Or the thing from the black lagoon? Often accompanied by dismissals of humanoid-looking grays or reptilian-like beings. Often they go to the psychological and say it’s all just the collective imagination. Possibly, I don’t know, but what else do we think an extraterrestrial civilization might have the appearance of? Why wouldn’t some be humanoid or have similar appearances with opposable thumbs that make using tools easier?

I don’t doubt there are non-humanoid lifeforms. There are things I would consider to be life that others might not, like stars and gas giants. They have a fusion reaction in their core resembling a metabolism and reproduce through asexual reproduction (Nova). There could be gas lifeforms or other types of exotic non-humanoid life. However, I don’t think this detracts from the fact that it’s entirely possible that humanoid life exists elsewhere as well. If we say there is no other humanoid life, it would be like saying there are no four-legged creatures on both the African and American continents. Life spreads, and the diffusion of humanoid life, if it started in a few select places, likely would have spread throughout the galaxy if it started at all. Is it predominant or likely? I don’t know, it could be, but with the concept of convergent evolution and the diffusion of life, I think we might find other life similar to humans elsewhere.

The argument against the dark forest hypothesis

The dark forest argument says that even if galactic civilizations existed, they have no reason or desire to communicate with us. To be fair, this is a reasonable hypothesis and might be the case. I actually argue for a kind of dark forest hypothesis in this article, except I don’t think it’s true that they never visited. But hiding and subterfuge is a kind of dark forest hypothesis; it means they are still hesitant about contact. My problem with this, however, is twofold.

Are we sure we’re an uncontacted tribe? In some sense, the evidence and literature to me indicate we’re probably not. Even if we were, are we sure that these other galactic civilizations are not aware of us or eyeing us? Often larger civilizations envelop or destroy smaller ones, and so we should be cautious. In the galactic dispersion model I showed before, it would be likely that if even one civilization developed and expanded out, the entire galaxy should be colonized by now. Unless we’re in a very inhospitable or remote part of the galaxy, the galactic equivalent of the Amazon or Sahara.

We should have seen some evidence by now, whether in the archaeological, historic, or modern record. I think we have, but it’s just dismissed as hoaxes, hearsay, or nonsense. Now can we definitively say that there has been contact, 100%? No, but when do we require that standard of evidence for anything? To me, the evidence is good enough to say something has happened.

Another point of contention is why would an alien race or civilization even be interested in contacting us. First, it implies that we aren’t interesting at all, because we are technologically or spiritually primitive. Yet we observe primitive civilizations all the time and seem to have no reservations. We also use and exploit more primitive civilizations. The Spanish controlled the Aztec civilization and used their populace for labor. Why wouldn’t we assume more advanced civilizations would do the same? In fact, it’s something the writer Bramley has discussed; in Sumerian, Babylonian, and Hebrew mythology, humans were used by some of the gods for labor and sometimes as slaves. Zachariah Sitchin also came to similar conclusions based on the Sumerian texts.

To say we’re not interesting isn’t true; we could say the same thing about remote tribes in the Amazon, yet we still find feature articles in National Geographic about them. I think we could be interesting to an extraterrestrial civilization; we have the ability to expand into space, nuclear weaponry, and a possible genetic connection that might make us important.

Contactees have often described genetic engineering programs and the acquisition of genetic material by beings often described as from the Zeta Reticuli system. The journalist Linda Howe is often dismissed as a kook, yet she describes these same occurrences; and has had multiple sources that confirmed these claims for her. It could be bullshit, but David Jacobs has come to similar conclusions based on his work. I think it’s reasonable to wonder and possibly conclude that there is an extraterrestrial genetic program going on. Maybe that is what makes us interesting to them.


My goal is not to prove definitively one way or the other because that would be impossible. Can we even prove that Jesus was a real person or that Oswald killed JFK for sure? I’m also not claiming things like they built the pyramids, although Ra does make claims about that. I am claiming that there is reasonable evidence of hidden extraterrestrial contact and influence over humanity. Questions of a historical and anthropic nature often can’t be solved by conducting experiments and rely on sourcing and corroboration. As SETI claims, can the question of finding intelligent extraterrestrial life be solved scientifically? So I wonder if we must look at the Fermi paradox, not as a question of where are they? But what should we even be looking for?

Are you a wanderer or some other soul from elsewhere? If you’re asking this question, you might be. It doesn’t make you better than anyone else, just different. Maybe you’re an outright extraterrestrial born elsewhere, and I hope you enjoy your stay here. I truly think there could be hidden extraterrestrial life living here, and we don’t even know about it or dismiss it as just hearsay. I believe this resolution to the Fermi paradox works better than making complex claims like we are the only nearby civilization with space travel or that all the other civilizations destroyed themselves. Are they hostile, or are their intentions to harm us? Possibly, I don’t deny this and am wary of any potential extraterrestrial civilization until they show otherwise. I hope in time; we can reveal the truth about our existence and understand what is really hidden amongst the shadows.

