Endangered Privacy

3 min readOct 28, 2016


When was the last time you worried about data security on the Internet? Let me guess — when you were providing your card number while purchasing something. The truth is that your privacy got compromised long before that. Once you go to a website, your browser starts sending hundreds of inquiries to multiple servers. It is done to gain statistics and to receive the necessary information for targeted advertising. The web knows your location, preferences, age, probable marital status and much more. Of course, you have a Facebook/Twitter/Google+ account, and that ship sailed a long time ago, but the invasion doesn’t stop just yet. Modern technologies bring lots of new possibilities for a more comfortable life. Your house is connected to the IoT, you have a smart TV with a webcam and a mic, home security system takes care of your safety… All those things can be easily hacked by the third parties including governmental agencies who are “just doing their best to protect and serve”. The saddest part is that in most cases this invasion is absolutely legal (when was the last time you read the “terms and conditions” while downloading a new app?). Even when you’re sure that nobody’s watching, there’s always a human factor. Remember — when you’re giving the information to a company, you’re giving it to thousands of its employees. Are you sure that they are good people with honest promptings? Even if they are the most reliable individuals in the world, there’s always a chance of making a mistake. One error in the code and your cloud data is open to hackers.

A Tool To Fight Back

Those are just a few invisible threats of the World Wide Web — the main reason for creating Nodio. It hides your browsing data using a personal VPN or VPN over Tor. This way it’s impossible to track your activity, and you can anonymously access any content bypassing regional restrictions. Nodio protects your home IoT network by decentralizing it from the web. It serves as a central managing unit for every device in the perimeter and is controlled by a simple application located on your phone. Nodio guards your data by providing a 500GB hard drive and offers an option of a completely safe distributed cloud storage. While building this product our team took into consideration not only online threats but also the factors that can compromise the proper work of Nodio. That’s why we equipped it with an LTE module and a 4000 mAh battery to keep you online in case a primary Internet source or power get shut down or cut. The device is powered by an Octa-core cpu which is more than enough for a fast and steady work.

In a digital world full of threats where there’s a very thin line between private and public, we are hard at work to create a product that will become a safe resort for personal data. Help us by joining at nodio.net

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