The Real Us or Why Invest

3 min readNov 10, 2016


Probably, we should have written this article a lot earlier, before the launch of a crowdsale, the bounty program, and the discussions about the trustworthiness of our team. Previously we talked about the project, how it is going to work and what inspired us to start it at the first place. Now it’s time to explain more about the team and our vision of Nodio’s future (spoiler alert — it is going to be epic!).
Our team got acquainted with each other about two years ago when working together in a promising startup company. The highlights were three main projects:
1) contactless payment system Paybeam which used Bluetooth instead of NFC;
2) technology which allowed to transmit electricity remotely;
3) cryptocurrency marketplace website.

All was going well, we had the prototypes ready and even negotiated terms of sale with a couple of companies. But suddenly, over the dispute of our investors (the company was funded by a few people) we got shut down and the projects — frozen. So we spread around Europe working in different places until one day decided to finish our long time idea about the blockchain computer with its own decentralized applications. We started working on the project during our free hours but soon realized that it wasn’t enough and switched to full time. Nodio is significant to us because we have already spent too much time, efforts and passion to stop halfway. So please believe that the project is real and we will continue working on it regardless the results of a crowdsale.

Our PR Manager Yuriy shows off Paybeam app at an exhibition

The very first reason to start external funding through a crowdsale was that unpleasant experience when the results of years of hard work got frozen over the argument between few people holding all the power. Nodio is not going to be owned by a single investor. We seek associates that will invest not only money but time and passion for bringing Nodio to a mass market, where everyone can use this revolutionary device. The timing couldn’t be better with the surveillance facts being exposed and popular messengers fail on user privacy. The sharing economy keeps growing, and the IoT is now everywhere. Nodio has its place in all of those markets, and our team has more than it takes to create a high-quality product to satisfy the demands of their audiences. We have already started to build first DApps for Nodio to cover the primary needs of our users. With your support, we will put Nodio on the map and bring it to every home and office. Together we will make it a world known product which will ensure you with the steady high dividends and us with a good salary.

Yuriy PR Manager, Sergey Motion Designer, Ramzes CEO, Dima Lead Designer

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