The Success Series Part 3 — Planning to Fail: Why Modern Advice on Success Misses the Point

Ty Norwood
15 min readJan 2, 2016

Before going headlong into part 3 of this series I recommend starting your journey at The Success Series Part 1 — Confessions of a Chronic Procrastinator or jumping in at The Success Series Part 2 — Why Your Brain Doesn’t Want You to Be Successful to get a grasp on where we stand. Or just don’t listen to me and start reading below, totally your call.

I have read an uncountable number of self help books, articles, posts and tips from the pros and unqualified alike on how to accomplish your goals and how to stop procrastinating your dreams away. It has all amounted to the same inevitable outcome and sent me through the same self help relapse cycle every single time. It always starts with short and exciting burst of motivation and promises of change which quickly fizzle out while I gradually watch myself creep back into old patterns of behavior. I have never experimented with addictive substances because I know first hand how easy it is for me to fall back into destructive patterns of behavior when it comes to productivity, and a drug addiction would be bad for my dating life. After going through this destructive cycle of self help, excitement motivation, promises of change and then relapse into old habits I always come away feeling like there is something wrong with me. All this self help…



Ty Norwood

Entrepreneur. Investor. Traveler. I believe life should be full of passion. I believe in inspiring others through a compelling story.