Now Supporting Private Notes and Comments

Nicholas Van Exan
2 min readSep 23, 2015


This is part of an ongoing series in which I am documenting the development of a project I have called “mvse” (read: muse — as in a source of inspiration). To learn more about, head on over to this page.

About a week ago I announced that supported integration with Genius such that any highlight or annotation you made with Genius would be automatically added to your account.

Today I’ve added two new features: private notes and comments.

Private Notes

By default, all notes on are public, but there may be certain quotes or selections from passages that you want to make private because you intend on using them for a future piece of writing or project and want the ability to add your ideas and comments to the note without sharing with everyone.

A lawyer or journalist, for example, might want to mark a certain fragment of text found online as private if he or she intends to use it in future written pieces or submissions.

Making a note private on so only you can see it and its comments is as simple as toggling a checkbox for a given note (see image below).

A note marked as private on


It’s also now possible for you and others to make comments on notes on Chances are, if you find a particular quote or passage interesting or illuminating, so will others. So it only seems right to allow for a dialogue to occur below the note.

A note on with a sample comment beneath it.

These two features combined help make a good platform for storing quotable text and recording your thoughts about that text. You can comment on your own notes, private or public, and comment on the notes of others as well. Hopefully this will be useful for those of you engaged in the act of research and writing, as I often am.

More to come…

