— Pt. II

Nicholas Van Exan
2 min readSep 16, 2015


A week or so ago I wrote about a little web app I built for myself that allowed me to store and display passages from the web that I found interesting, insightful or simply wanted to record so I could return to them at a later date. I had called it Mvse (a source for inspiration).

I’m delighted to say that I’ve now built out into a full web app that anyone can use. You can check it out and sign up here: I’ve also written a longer piece describing how the app works and why it was created here:

A screenshot of on web and on mobile web

Unlike before, this iteration does not automatically pull in highlights from annotation services such as Instapaper or Genius (these features are coming soon). Rather, it allows you to be more selective about the highlights and quotes you want to store and share. Not only can you manually add a note from the web app, you can also email a quote or highlight you find interesting to a personalized mailbox and it will create a note for you automatically. Or, you can also use the accompanying Google Chrome extension to save text that you highlight on a page as a note in your account.

Mvse is a very simple app at the moment; it simply lets you collect, display and share your favourite quotes and annotations from around the web. For me, just having a centralized place to store ideas contained in the things I read is helpful enough. But I’m hoping in time that will also evolve into a decent digital commonplace book system, as Diana Kimball once described so well, and perhaps a wonderful reader community too, dedicated to the surfacing of great ideas, insights and inspiration.

Time will tell. In the meantime, feel free to send me your thoughts and comments.

