My TIIDELab Experience 3.0

Nwokporo Chukwuebuka
6 min readSep 13, 2022


Just like yesterday, three months gone, all I can say is I’m no longer the same. This month was so “JavaScriptful”. This is the best expression I can use to describe all that has happened this month.

I’m just happy that I am a part of this amazing fellowship. This month of August was packed with a lot of packages, and with this just like the prophet said, “I can hear the abundance of rain”.

In my previous articles i.e. for the month of June and July, I wrote about the wonderful and mind-blowing things I have learned in HTML, CSS, and some parts of JavaScript. In this article, I will break my experience into the following:

  • Brown bag meetings
  • Coding challenges
  • Non-technical meetups
  • AgroEase Project Update
  • Learning and practicing.

Brown bag meetings

Brown bag meetings are excursions to tech companies, where we get to visit a tech company, interact with their staff, as questions concerning their companies, and even get the opportunity to pitch our products and get feedback from the organization.

The month of August started with our first brown bag visit to an EdTech company, called FlexiSAF. FlexiSAF Edusoft Limited is a Software company that is focused primarily on education. Co-founded by Faiz Bashir, FlexiSAF provides innovative technological solutions to manage the processes of schools in a comprehensive way to achieve higher standards.

We were privileged to be taken on a tour by Rahama Ohunene Obadaki, the PR, Marketing, and Communication Asst.

The facility is divided into three sections; the Admin and Engineering Block occupying the main building, and the Customer Success block at an adjoining building behind.

The admin block is the first point of call when you walk into FlexiSAF. It comprises of People Operations, sales, PR, marketing and communications, telesales, business development, and finance. We also had a little chat with some staff of the company, where we were enlightened on what to watch out for to be a better software developer. We also had the opportunity to pitch some of our products which we are currently working on and to get their feedback. This was indeed a plus for me and my team as we got more directions on what to do.

I’ll not be able to give full details of the company here but you can check them out on their website.

Fellows at FlexiSAF

Mock Interview

This was another exciting part of this month’s experience. TIIDELab is very intentional about building self-reliant software engineers who are highly sought after in the world of tech. One of their ways to ensure this is by engaging us in a competition we call “Coding Challenge”. In this challenge, every one of us is invited for a coding test on a platform called Coderbyte and then we are given a series of coding questions ranging from easy to hard for two hours.

The people who scored 65% and above will qualify for another round where they’ll compete again and the top finalist are scheduled for a mock interview with companies in the diaspora.

So, for the month of July, I made it to the final stage and for the Mock Interview which was awesome. Though I didn’t pass the mock interview but believe me I learned a lot from the interview process as this was my first time. And I must say that I have improved and waiting for the next round of interviews.

Non-Technical Meetups

For the month of August, we had two unforgettable nontechnical meetups.

We celebrated the 2022 International Youth Day and our aim was to examine strategies for bridging the gap between the young people and the elderly for wealth creation.

Mr Olasupo Abideen, An alumnus of The Tony Elumelu Foundation and an awardee of the @Gani Fawehinmi Integrity Award was our guest leader, He was conferred with the Prestigious Exceptional Youth Honors Award. He taught was what we need to know in order to thrive as better software developers in the 21st century. I am happy I was present at that event.

To wrap it up our Non-technical meeting was the last one for the month of August, where our topic was Design Thinking. In this class, we were taught the basic principles of Human Centered Design(HCD), as we move from the different stages

Human-Centered Design Stages

I can now say I understand the processes it takes to design a good product. All thanks to Mr. Aderoju Shamsudeen for taking us through that important journey.

Fellows presented an award to Mr. Abideen Olasupo for his consistent efforts in raising youths who are nation builders
Fellows doing wager tasks for HCD class

AgroEase Project — Update

I know I have never spoken to you about my project. Okay, let me just give you a brief intro.

I and my team (AlpaDevs) are working on the AgroEase project. AgroEase is an online marketplace for buyers and sellers of agricultural products. This platform seeks to connect buyers and sellers together and make the commercial process seamless.

So far we have been able to come up with the following:

AgroEase logo

Learning and Practicing

As I said earlier, this month has been “JavaScriptful” indeed. We started on the synchronous aspect of JavaScript and rounded off with the asynchronous aspect. Some important topics that we treated were:

  • Regular Expression
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Local Storage
  • Closure and Recursion
  • Data types, properties, and methods
  • Data Structures and Algorithm (DSA)
  • Functions etc.

In all this, we had a wonderful experience with some mini projects.

First, we were challenged by our coach (Ayodele Samuel Adebayo — UncleBigbay) to create a mini project on creating a table of users whose data can be edited and deleted and also included in the local storage. I did the project but I did not win as I submitted it late.

We also had another challenge in practicing our DSA, where Mr. Kenny Ibrahim Lukman gave us a challenging task on Twitter to find the solution to a particular challenge in minutes. Here is a view of the question:

About 4 of my peers and an anonymous person on Twitter were able to provide the answers. I won a whooping sum of #1000. You can see the solution here.

I’d stop here for this month but believe me, there I can still go on with the numerous experiences.

Highlight Gallery


When the going get’s tough, the tough gets going.
~ John. F. Kennedy

This has been my watchword. There is a lot to talk about, but I can’t write it all this will be where I’ll stop. I’ll definitely update you and that’s why I’ll indulge you to please subscribe and follow me to get updates when a new article drops. You can follow me on these platforms.

Twitter 🐦: @nwokporo_ebuka
LinkedIn ⚡: @chukwuebuka_nwokporo
GitHub 🚀: @ebukvick
Hashnode 📗: @codedaddy

