Never heard of the Gene Keys before? Here’s what you need to know

Octavian Bolocan
5 min readMay 15, 2017


There isn’t a single person on this Earth whom I wouldn’t recommend the Gene Keys.

First of all, here is the link to the official Gene Keys website. You can find there all the information you need about them and what you can do with them.

Second, if you know about the Gene Keys, I recommend you this.

I am writing you this from my own perspective, and I want to tell you the “why” Gene Keys, relating to “my own meandering experience”.

Who am I to tell you about this?

My name is Octavian Bolocan. I’m a Life Coach I’m a practitioner in NLP, Timeline Therapy, Coaching, Hypnosis and Theta Healing. And I use the Gene Keys in bring more joy into people’s lives.

I’ve came across the Gene Keys about 5 years ago and (of course) my life just got better and better because I learned something I haven’t encountered in any other place: living according to my Hologenetic profile.

I have been successfully working with others using coaching, Gene Keys and Human Design in order to guide them to live a more joyous life in all aspects. I’m certain whatever problem you think you have, there is always a solution for it.

My “why” of the Gene Keys

Imagine you somehow want to explain to the world what is life about, in a way that anybody can understand and find their path. The Gene Keys would be it.

The Gene Keys offers you insights in any aspect of your life and they are also teaching us the “how” to do it. It’s a process that takes time, but then again, building anything takes some time. And, if you venture in the Gene Keys, you would realize at some point that time only an issue when you’re not focusing on living from love.

There is one thing understanding what life is about and another living your answer in your everyday life.

The Gene Keys won’t tell you what you have to do. They teach you what are your Gifts in every aspect of your life, how to use them. They help you realize how you can use what you have in living how you choose to.

I think this should be a core curriculum in every school. You get to learn about your Gifts and how you are at your best. These Gifts are always there, because they are imprinted in your body and you take your body with you wherever you go.

As soon as you start living accordingly to your design, you’ll see what i mean. And the essence of these characteristics doesn’t change. It just gets better.

So why? Because this is it. The Gene Keys teach you “the art of living well” (as Richard Rudd says).

Having all the answers is on thing, living like that is another. That saying, “life is a journey, not a destination” is deeper than you think.

What is the value added by the Gene Keys in your life?

They teach you what you can do to live a deeply fulfilling life. They teach you how to be your own authority and act from love towards you and others.

The first 2 Gene Keys sequences (Activation/ Purpose and Venus/ Partnership) are very oriented with working with yourself. The first one is specifically about your own genius and how can you can express it easily.

The 2nd one it’s about relationships, but mainly, how you react or interact with others. Even if it’s about relating to others, it’s still mainly about you.

The 3rd sequence (The Pearl/ Prosperity) it’s about business, following your vocation and taking the initiative of offering your gifts to the world. This is the part where it’s no longer only about you (though your life it’s always about you).

It’s about answering the question “how can I be the greatest service to the whole?” and living that answer.

When I first started with the Gene Keys, I tried to use this information first, without going through the first 2 sequences. It was like building a roof to a house that didn’t have it’s foundation and it’s walls. I didn’t understand anything.

Here you can see a description of each Sphere covered in the Golden Path.

I don’t know exactly what circumstances in your life are right now, but I’m sure you can find any answer you are looking for by living according to your Gifts in your hologenetic profile.

One of the most beautiful aspects of the Gene Keys is that they tell you where to look but they won’t tell you what you will find. That is always your freedom of choice.

I even played with the idea that you can specifically find an answer in a certain Gene Key (in the Gene Keys book). You can e-mail me at a question you have about your life and I will direct you to read a certain Gene Key and see if it help. We can play on this together!

How to work with the Gene Keys?

The basic approach is getting the Golden Path on the Gene Keys website. They are made for you to work with yourself, Treading the Golden Path.

I heartfully recommend working with someone else, whether it’s peer to peer learning or getting yourself a guide.

From my experience, I have spent 7 to 8 hours per day for approximately 6 months working alone with the Gene Keys and then I got guidance from someone with more experience than me in both Gene Keys and Human Design. Each part of the process was enriching for me, but I made significantly more progress when I was guided by someone else.

So you can find somebody else to assist you through your path. I recommend someone that has been living accordingly to their profile for some time. As the 7th Gene Keys says, a real guide will do whatever he or she cans to get rid of you. You get yourself through a process, yes, but ultimately, it’s about living based only on your guidance.

Even the Gene Keys are meant to metaphorically self-destruct, as Richard Rudd says, “once the teaching is embodied, the teaching is no more”.

I would gladly be that guide for you. Send me an e-mail at or visit my website at and we’ll get started from there.

I strongly recommend going through all the Golden Path before you start offering this wonderful teaching to others, even if you practice other ways of self development.

I thank you for being here and wish you all the best in your life!




Octavian Bolocan

Bringing relief and understanding so that we have more authentic joy in this world. Founder @ ThetaHealing Practitioner. Gene Keys guide.