How to find more joy in what you’re doing

Octavian Bolocan
10 min readJan 31, 2018


Summary: To find joy in what you’re doing, the easiest way is knowing your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, understand how you function and accelerate the process using some techniques, like coaching and Theta Healing.

Very often, I remember a certain quote: “To have something different, you have to do something different”.

This “something different” thing is very empowering. Most people, when they hear you have to do something you haven’t done before, they think “it’s gonna be difficult…”. Usually, this is the first thought that comes to mind and it comes along with a feeling of dread and struggle.

For instance, a few years back, I signed on a coaching process (as a client). I wasn’t very much aware of the reasons I wanted it or what’s coaching about but I was told that through this kind of process you get what you want and you get to solve your problems.

I was very lucky to work with someone who used a number of methods and wasn’t fixed on only one (I realized this recently, after personally attending courses and some practitioner’s classes — didn’t really care about this at that time)

The relationship with my parents seemed a difficult one for me and many times I was talking with them, I had that struggle feeling. After a while in the coaching process, I started to improve myself and I noticed what they we’re telling me didn’t make me feel hurt anymore. I even got to see through their point of view. Before the process, everything they told me felt like I wasn’t good enough. After, I realized that the way they we’re talking to me was how they knew how to do everything in their power to offer me their support.

My relationship with my parents began to improve. It wasn’t about changing my parents, although they seemed changed to me. Actually, it was my attitude that changed. Having a different attitude granted me a different perception, which got me different feelings and sensations that changed my behavior, as in speaking and acting differently.

And yes, depending on your perception, the difference can be as powerful as in this image.

If someone told me (before going through that process) that I can shift my perspective, to see the good in what’s before me, the first thing I would’ve told them would be that “it’s too difficult” and I would have had that annoying feeling of struggle.

In fact, it’s likely to confuse the feeling of doing something new to you with the feeling of struggle and difficulty. How do you know something is difficult/hard to do when you haven’t done it before? Actually, it’s just that thrilling feeling mixed with a little adrenalin you have when you’re doing something new.

It’s like all your life you have been walking on your hands and someone suggests you should use your legs for walking. Wouldn’t you respond to that person something like “that’s too difficult” ? Maybe, for the first 5 minutes, it would feel a bit uncomfortable. And after those 5 minutes, you could not imagine how you can live your life any other way. It’s the same with doing something different to get something different.

From now on, I invite you to remember this: whenever something seems difficult for you, realize that, in fact, that may be exactly what you needed to bring more easiness to your life.

Somehow, the problem is you don’t find enough joy in what you’re doing, isn’t it?

That sounds a bit vague, don’t you think? You don’t find that joy in your job? Or your whole life is missing some? Maybe joy is missing in relating with others? With yourself?

If we had this conversation face to face, we would’ve gone into specifics. Instead, I have a feeling that in your every action and behavior is an essence to be found. And it would be very good for you to find out about it.

In the Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile (find about Gene Keys here) there is a certain sphere called Life’s Work. It shows you the kind of energy you put in every action you take and what happens when you don’t use this energy in a useful way for yourself and others.

How did the Life’s Work Gift helped me?

It showed me that there is an essence in every action I take, in every way I behave, that brings me joy when I’m using it and serves others at the same time.

Let me tell you what’s this about:

Captain Barbossa, Pirates of the Caribbean — At World’s End

This essence form the Life’s Work sphere it’s called a Key. In the Gene Keys, there are 64 Keys, 64 Gifts that, depending on their position in your Hologenetic Profile, show you what happens when you use them in a healthy way or not.

What’s this about using the energy in a healthy way or not?

Usually, every human being swings between moments when his/her Gifts are used in a healthy way and moments when they’re not. The difference is made by the moments you consciously choose to use that Gift in a healthy way. And this is one of the things the Gene Keys teach you.

Keep in mind that you can find these Gene Keys in everyone’s life, even if they’re not present in their specific Hologenetic Profile. Let’s take a simple example.

If we had the energy of knowing yourself, it’s in everyone’s benefit to know their way but, for some people (who have this Gift in their Hologenetic profile), it can help them to such lengths as to change significant aspects of their life and, for others, shift their professional pathway into this domain (I’m a solid example 😄).

I’ve got the 2nd Gene Key in my Life’s Work Sphere.

Dislocation — Orientation — Unity

This Gene Key is about the direction in one’s life. The 2nd Gift is about knowing your direction and helping others with it. Being in my Life’s Work sphere, very often, when I’m outside, random people come to me and ask for directions for a specific address.

I remember when I started college in a new city for me and, from the first days, random people started asking me directions. I didn’t know where to point them to and they kept coming. This happened whether I was driving, on foot or taking the subway. Until I got to know my Hologenetic profile, I couldn’t understand why this was happening, especially when I was as lost as them. People still come to me for this and it happens even when I’m travelling.

The 2nd Shadow is Dislocation, the unhealthy way of using the 2nd Gift, Orientation and Unity is the Siddhi (divine gift in Sanskrit). Shadow, Gift and Siddhi are the 3 terms used to describe the energy of each Gene Key.

I’m currently using the Gift of Orientation in coaching and Theta Healing sessions, because I’ve learned to trust the answers that come to me as being the right ones for me and also for the clients I work with. It’s present outside my work. I can use it for offering directions when I’m asked, whether it’s about just giving an advice or supporting someone dear to me.

It gives me great joy every time I get to use this Gift and I feel like I can do it all my life feeling the same joy every time. Here’s is a taste of what I’m feeling when I get to use this Gift:

Reading, understanding and living (3 different stages, from my experience) the Gift of the 2nd Gene Key, I’ve learned how to continuously improve the ways I’m using it. I’ve worked with myself for this and I’ve been guided by others. I think one wouldn’t work without the other.

Once I got to know how this Gift works, it was essential for me that I’ve learned methods that enhance it (like coaching, Theta Healing, the Gene Keys themselves and others).

What happens when I don’t use the 2nd Gene Key in a healthy way?

I can feel lost or regimented. Here are some examples of my own experience:

The moments when I felt lost were the ones when I didn’t know what to or which path to choose. Basically the moments when I had no idea what to do with my life.

I felt regimented when I thought the only way to do something useful with your life was to get hired anywhere and do whatever I can to earn as much money as I could. I wasn’t aware that I could find a job I like or even open my own business. This in an example of one of those moments when you are purely not aware of any other options. It’s like someone from the Bronze Age doesn’t think to go to the cinema. It’s not something one could think about.

You could be regimented by a spiritual practice or even by the Gene Keys. Please notice that you’re not regimented by that spiritual practice or the Gene Keys, you’re only regimented by your own perception about this things.

The most useful instruction manual for a human being I’ve come by are the Gene Keys. How you use yourself (as the person having the Gene Keys instructions manual) is your choice. You are being shown your features, your functions and how you operate. If, how, when, to what end and where you use what you’ve learned, depends on your free will.

How do I use the energy of the 2nd Gene Key in a healthy way?

Feeling lost or regimented is the very signal you need to become aware that you’re not focusing on what you want and what’s important for you. Is the alarm clock that rings every time, nudging you on your chosen path.

When you feel regimented, when your perception is that life can have only one direction, all you have to do is to decide on how you want your life to be and make use of the constructive parts of the system or the way of thinking that you were regimented into.

Following the above examples, choose what kind of job you want to have and, if it doesn’t exist, create it. It’s easy. All you need to do is to provide value to people willing to pay you for it. You come to realize that everything you experienced so far is useful and sustains you in getting what you want. Even Steve Jobs says this, in his Stanford speech (in the part with connecting the dots).

Where you are is the most suitable starting point for getting what you want.

Likewise, when you feel lost, it’s the perfect moment to remind yourself what you want or decide what you want next. In that moment, you naturally know what your next step is.

This is the beauty of the 2nd Gene Key. “You cannot make a mistake” actually, because you are always on the right path. You can only feel you are making a mistake in the moments you are not focusing your attention and energy on what you want.

At the start of this text, I talked a little about my relationship with my parents. I’ve somehow decided that I want a beautiful relationship with my parents — this was one of the moments I’ve unconsciously used my Orientation Gift without knowing I have it. This made me focus on what I wanted and, from every other directions my coaching process could go on, I worked on this. That process helped me decide what I want to do with my life. Long story short, I even got to the point of writing this.

So, how to find more joy in what you’re doing?

I’m sure something inside you ticked while reading this. Or you wouldn’t come this far if it didn’t 😄

I believe the easiest way in finding more joy in what you’re doing is by start knowing your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile. What you’ve read so far is only about the Sphere of the Life’s Work. There are another 10 spheres with valuable information about life’s other aspects.

This was about the Gene Key that’s in my own Hologenetic Profile. I know that the moment you become aware of your particular essence (which you know, it’s just that you probably don’t know how to tell it apart from other stuff) offers you a wonderful feeling on relaxation and easiness, like you got back home and things make sense.

Understanding how you function and living accordingly to it are 2 different things. It’s possible (not mandatory) this can take you to mental understanding, where you understand what and why some things happen, but still something feels off. I’ve been through this and I’ve worked with clients who had similar experiences.

The fastest way to allow you to live your Life’s Work Gift is a combination of Gene Keys, coaching and Theta Healing, at least from my experience. This is what worked for me and I’ve used them for getting results for me and for others I’ve worked with. I invite you to get the joy of this process.

To find joy in what you’re doing, the easiest way is knowing your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, understand how you function and accelerate the process using some techniques, like coaching and Theta Healing.

If you want to accept my invite, e-mail me at We get to know each other and we’ll define together the next steps.

What would happen if you don’t get to know your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile and, in this case, your Life’s Work Sphere?

Nothing different. Of course, only if you do something different, you get something different. Sounds familiar? 😄

P.S. I know each person has his/hers own path and goes on it anyway (you cannot make a mistake, remember?). The Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile is there even if you are aware of it or not. It’s just that life can have more easiness and beauty in it. If you want that, you know where to find me.

Have fun! 😄



Octavian Bolocan

Bringing relief and understanding so that we have more authentic joy in this world. Founder @ ThetaHealing Practitioner. Gene Keys guide.