What I’ve learned from my first 6 days on Medium

Benjamin John
2 min readFeb 25, 2016


Medium — where have you been all my life!? I’ve learned several things from interacting with Medium over the last 6 days, and have decided to share them. I’m afraid to format this as a numbered list (more on that in a minute), so please just proceed to find out how many items I’m discussing!

A ton of people hate lists and hacks

I was afraid to put the number 6 in my heading for fear that people wouldn’t read this. They may think I was trying to trick them into reading a list. There are countless articles about “if you write a Listicle you aren’t really a writer or you suck” and “Why You’re Above a Hack”or something like that. Interesting stuff!

I took this from the article titled “5 promising images that stick it to Listicles”

You get an Open Letter! And YOU get an Open Letter! Everybody gets an Open Letter!

Medium let’s me know that if I have a problem with someone, I should write a blog about it and hope they may never see it. Or if they do see it, they’ll take my passive aggressiveness as a call to change!

We’ve all seen the infamous Open Letter to the CEO. Then we saw someone capitalize on the fame of the Open Letter to the CEO with their own Open Letter to an entire generation. And then we saw THE BEST Open Letter to everyone writing Open Letters.

HuffPo is posting a ton of political Open Letters now, so that’s awesome too.

There aren’t nearly enough Taco Bell related pieces of content

I plan to change that in the near future. Taco Bell is one of the most creative companies I’ve seen recently; from their advertising, to their Snapchat game, to their monthly menu items. I promise to bring more Taco Bell related content to Medium.

I will soon touch on the creative genius that is Taco Bell

That’s all for now. I’d love to hear what you’ve learned from your time on Medium! What are your key takeaways from using Medium? Respond below or tweet me @ohsureschneider .

