Olaronke Adegbite
5 min readJun 7, 2023

Support System and its Types

Image from healthyplace.com

We learned about the support system yesterday and its impact on returning someone to a good stance or action during a period of anguish, discouragement, and stress. We also examined its significance, which includes increased life happiness, better physical and mental health, and a stronger sense of purpose and connection. You can read it here in case you missed it

Let us now discuss the various types of support systems.

Getting and receiving support is phenomenal in our day-to-day activities, which can happen consciously or unconsciously. Being there for one another when needed the most, whether by offering a sympathetic ear, a shoulder to lean on, a helpful hand, or a word of encouragement, is not only emotionally fulfilling but also essential to our long-term happiness and health.

Come with me as we review different ways receiving and giving help are classified.


1. Direct Support System

This type of support can be through a one-on-one conversation with the victim or through social media to a target audience. This support is rendered consciously to gear an individual from a bad state to a positive position.

Let’s take a look at some of the players involved in this form of support.

  • Self, family, friends, and support groups that provide comfort and encouragement during difficult times.
  • Financial support systems that assist with money-related issues such as debts, bills, and expenses.
  • Healthcare professionals, hospitals, and insurance companies that provide medical care and support.
  • Educational support systems that give people access to information and tools to help them develop their knowledge and abilities. An example includes the “Triple C” writing challenge that provides encouragement and guidance to their participants in improving their writing skills.
  • Social support networks like community services, clubs, and organizations that offer social ties and a sense of belonging to people.
  • Spiritual support systems are made up of practices or religious or spiritual organizations that offer consolation and direction.

2. Indirect Support System

An indirect support system is a type of support that is rendered unintentionally and impacts the lives of its victims positively. The support can come in the form of compliments, indirect supportive behavior, smiles, and words of affirmation.

Let us now delve into the various forms of Indirect support system

a) Compliments: These are remarks that say something good about someone or something. They are also said to be expressions of esteem, respect, affection, or admiration. Compliments make us feel good, both giving and receiving them. Saying words like “You look good today”, “your haircut looks great”, and “I love your smile”, not only makes the victim feel great but helps in boosting their morale and self-esteem.

Additionally, indirect compliments are more likely to be repeated, so if you commend someone on their smile when you welcome them, they are more likely to smile back at you.

b) Indirect Supportive Behavior: These are direct actions exhibited that unconsciously affect the people around us positively. Sometimes, we are unaware of how our actions or inactions affect others. For example, during my training days as an Executive Trainee in a bank, there was this pregnant lady in my class, she was not only strong but also intelligent. Whenever I want to give up, I look at her and say: “Look at that lady, she is heavily pregnant and still moving on, so who am I to give up?” Indirectly she motivated me to keep pushing, and at the end of the training, this lady came out as the second-best student in my class and I also graduated with other people. PS: Please note that I do not align pregnancy with “disability”, I only cited this example as pregnancy can be more stressful and demanding from the bearer than would be for a non-carrier.

As individuals, we should try as much as possible to exhibit behaviors or attitudes that contribute to people’s self-esteem and achievement of their goals.

c) Smiles: You are definitely aware of the benefits of smiling at yourself. It involves everything from living a longer, healthier life to exuding a friendly and confident manner, from lowering the risk of developing major diseases to creating stress-relieving hormones.

However, smiling not only benefits us but also the people around us. Only a few benefits include the development of connections, the creation of positive feelings, and improved health promotion.

A fantastic way to maintain good health, optimism, and happiness is to smile. Because it may be contagious, you should think about smiling more often and at more people, whether or not you know them. Someone’s happiness and health can increase when you smile at them.

d) Words of Affirmation: These are sets of positive declarations that can motivate or gear you to perform your day-to-day activities. It can also be seen as a powerful tool to build confidence and strengthen relationships. When these words are said to people, it gingers them to want to do more or become more productive.

Now, let’s paint a scenario…

I recall when a friend of mine was due for promotion and she wasn’t promoted due to a mix-up in her documentation. This broke her and affected her productivity at work. Fortunately for her, she had a supportive boss that encouraged her with words of affirmation “Slow and steady wins the race, you are getting there”. This boss also went her way in appreciating my friend publicly about how hardworking she was. These actions by my friend’s boss changed her orientation and made her more efficient and effective in her job.

Words they say are powerful; they can either make or break a person. We should be cautious about what we say to others since it could be interpreted as encouraging the listener to become a better person.

As we have seen, the support system can come in many ways which we have compressed into two distinct forms as explained above.

By now, I am sure you have an in-depth understanding of what a support system is, its importance, and the various forms of support systems. Keep an eye out for the discussion of the next fragment of support system that will be discussed.

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