Join Us — Internet of Technology

An open community for writing and sharing technology-related articles and ideas.

Oliver Lövström
Internet of Technology


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Image by Oliver Lövström.

Hi, and welcome to my new publication: Internet of Technology. I have debated whether or not to create my own publication and finally decided to do so.

For quite some time, I have been struggling to find a technology-related publication without gatekeepers or long application processes.

Today, I cannot wait any longer. I’m excited to share that I have launched Internet of Technology — an open publication for writing and sharing technology-related articles and ideas.

The publication's goal is to open up the technology community and eliminate gatekeepers. To do so, we will be very lenient in the application and editing process.

Anyone can write for us!

Submission Guidelines

To create the most open technology community on Medium, we have decided to have fewer submission guidelines than usual:

  • Topic: Anything technology or science-related, acceptable within Medium’s rules. We will be generous with the topic.
  • AI-Generated Articles: All AI-generated articles will be rejected.

