Scaled VM: Quick Walkthrough

Valentyn Shybanov
1 min readSep 24, 2017


Short list of steps needed to be done to have “Scaled VM” solution

In previous set of posts, I’ve described in details how to setup auto scalable system with shared FS.

Here I write short version without providing any details but with links to perform the action.

This page is summary of all posts and you can bookmark only it.

[Part 1: introduction] [Part 2: FS/VM] [Part 3: Web] [Part 4: Load Balancer] [Quick walkthrough]


  1. Create Google Cloud Project
  2. Launch Single Node File Server deployment.
  3. Create new Instance Template.
  4. Configure template’s startup script to mount shared FS and install Apache and PHP
  5. Create Managed Instance Group that will use instance templated screated.
  6. Create HTTP Load Balancer.
  7. Configure Backend Service (linked to instance group)
  8. Configure Frontend, creating new public IP
  9. Create Cloud SQL instance

