7 Most Effective Stress Management Tips to Create an Escape Zone

OneCube Coaching
5 min readApr 22, 2022


I won’t tell you to stop feeling stressed or avoid stress by doing this or that.

Because I know that it’s impossible to avoid stress in today’s life scenario.

We have a lot on our plates.

The digital world is booming and things around us are changing a lot.

It’s not just the work that makes us overwhelmed.

It’s the toxic people around us.

It’s the unfulfilled desires and wishes that dial down our life energy.

It’s a relationship that is never fruitful.

In simple terms, it’s so many things against one person aka YOU.

You can’t run from stress but you can learn how to manage it.

Today, I’ll help you make your very own escape zone from Stress.

Only you need to follow the 7 most effective stress management tips.

TIP # 1 One-Task At a Time, No more Multitasking

I hate it when people say I’m Multitasker.

Why are you like that?

Who asked you to put your mind and body under so much pressure?

Yes, you may brag about it quite so often but at the end of the day, your exhausted mind and body secretly complain about it.

Please try to listen to your mind and body.

It’s time to take it all easy and handle one task at a time.

You already have a lot to deal with why you overburden yourself.

Be kind to yourself as you are to others.

Tip #2 Stop Playing Peek-a-boo with Your Social Media

Whether you are at work or home or watching TV, you keep an eye on your social media.

It’s always like one eye on your Insta and another on this stuff.

You take digital breaks from time to time.

Don’t do that.

It affects your focus a lot and your mind has to work extra time.

So, an easy way to manage everyday life stress is to do one task you have in your hand and keep your social media away.

Tip #3 Watch Something Funny Everyday

That may sound a bit different, but my friend you must activate your sense of humor.

If you think that overthinking about life issues will bring any solution, you are wrong.

Life challenges and troubles never end.

One trouble will go, another will replace it.

Then why so serious?

Smile, laugh and crack some jokes with your friends, family, and others who are also under a lot of stress.

Tip# 4 Talk it Out

If stress is taking a toll on your mental health, don’t keep it all inside you, it’s time to open a ventilator for your thoughts and sit with someone you can trust.

It can be your friend, partner, or in the best case scenario “A LIFE COACH”.

Sometimes your friends are facing the same issue or are unavailable, your partner doesn’t get it all about you.

It’s when you need to seek help from someone who can give you a helping hand as you need and when you need it.

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A life coach is an expert who knows about different aspects of life and definitely can guide you better than others.

Want to talk to a life coach? Simply Join OneCubecoaching.com

You will notice a change in your routine stress level, just after a session.

Go and try it.

Tip #5 Work it Out

When you stick to a desk at work or keep lying on the sofa while watching Netflix for long hours, your body doesn’t get time to remain active.

This non-active body nature makes you exhausted.

You need fresh air early in the morning.

Whenever you get some time, go for a walk.

Maybe joining a fitness gym is out of your league, but what you can do is fix 30-minutes of your everyday life for exercise.

Must read: Are you Coachable?

Tip #6 Do what you Enjoy Everyday

Do you like to play cricket?

Do you love to paint?

Try to do something that makes you happy every day.

Or at the very least, every weekend.

You need to spare some time for your relaxation and get busy in some activity, which brings fulfillment, joy, peace, or satisfaction.

Tip #7 Limit Alcohol and Drugs

You start drinking more when you are under stress.

Too much stress pushes you to drink more.

stress management tips

Over stress body will need more drugs to feel calm.

But you know very well that overuse of drugs and alcohol will put your life in jeopardy and you will soon find yourself in a trouble zone.

So, you need to create an escape zone from stress by keeping yourself as far as possible from drugs and alcohol.

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You can do that, it’s your life at stake.

Try to live it, don’t play a forward button on it, please.


Let me give you a Simple formula unlocking 7 steps to manage stress successfully in your life.

  1. Don’t multitask
  2. Exercise Daily
  3. Stop checking social media every minute
  4. Do what you love to do daily
  5. Watch something funny every day
  6. Talk to a specialist or friend
  7. Limit the use of alcohol and drugs

And it’s how you can say goodbye to stress in your life.

Do you know some other tips? Feel free to share, please.



OneCube Coaching

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