2022 Year in Review: Big moments for OnePlanet in 2022

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9 min readDec 29, 2022

In 2022, OnePlanet focused on 1) providing a safe and fun way to explore NFTs and 2) delivering a message that an NFT has its value when a holder can fully enjoy the authority of owning the NFT.

As we look back on the year, there were many significant events that shaped our NFT platform. In this recap, we will take a closer look at some of the biggest headlines and moments that defined us this year.

January 2022

  • OnePlanet officially launched on January 22nd on Terra, starting with the Randombox Launchpad of The Road to Mars Archive by Cosmic Perspective.

February 2022

  • English Auction Launchpad was introduced for NFTs with higher value. This type of launchpad was suitable on the mainnet with low fees as transactions are made more frequently.
    Derby Stars, a horse racing P2E game built by Unopnd studio under Hashed, used our English Auction launchpad for the first time on their 2nd Pre-sale for the rarest Unique horse NFTs.

March 2022

  • On March 31st, information was released for the seed round investment into OnePlanet, led by the most renowned VCs in the blockchain industry — Animoca Brands, Galaxy Interactive, SkyVision Capital, Hashed, and more.
  • The Launchpad begins to attract many projects, and new collections are minted every few days, such as AR Cluster, Department 77, and Terramochi.
  • We partnered with the blue-chip NFT projects from Terra such as Derby Stars, Galactic Punks, and LunaBulls for a “Trade to Win” event. Our community was able to enjoy trading NFTs while earning tickets and having access to a live dashboard updating their transactions and rank.

April 2022

  • We aimed to improve inefficiency in the current market where creators produce NFTs with the same features and to provide the holders with more options to utilize NFTs.
    Therefore, we introduced the Forge feature to add utilities to NFTs, with the first function of assembling and disassembling NFTs. It was first used in the Riot Factory collection and brought the significant outcome of the rise of the floor price to $709, which started as a free mint and reached $376K secondary market sales volume within only a week.

May 2022

  • As we continuously delivered our value by introducing meaningful features to our users and the project builders, we established dominance over Terra ecosystem by achieving 2600% increase in ADTV over three months.
  • We provided a unique experience for the Terra community by collaborating with one of the major DeFi projects on Terra, Prism Protocol, to introduce a Pre-Assigned Mint Launchpad — designed to reward users by their level of participation during the PRISM launch phases. Users were able to mint their [REFRACTED] NFT with pLUNA, a CW20 token on Terra, another feature we created for the Terra community.
  • Our English Auction Launchpad gets an upgrade with new gamified features in order to add excitement and competitiveness to the auction participation. The upgrade included showing different colors on the thumbnail borderline according to changes in users’ bid status, creating tension through the UI design of the auction launchpad. Derby Stars released their 3rd Pre-sale Unique horse NFT through this launchpad, where the highest bid of a Unique Horse recorded more than $41K.
  • Unfortunately, in the first part of the month, $UST, the stablecoin of Terra de-pegs and causes the whole economy of the ecosystem to collapse.
  • Therefore, We set up Ark*One: the revival plan for Terra NFTs and our communities. We strongly believe that NFTs have the potential to revolutionize the way we think about digital ownership and will support the success and survival of NFT projects on Terra. After some discussion together with our community, the decision was made to migrate to the best available blockchain that provided a stable environment for all of us to thrive.
    In preparing for the migration, we focused on two major points:
    1) supporting collection migration in accordance with the community’s decision, and 2) providing a graceful user experience.
    We worked hard to ensure that all owner information in the snapshot accurately reflected on-chain and off-chain ownership statements. All of this is intended to ensure that the rights of NFT holders are protected during the migration process.
  • On May 26th, we made the official announcement of our partnership with Polygon Studios and our migration to Polygon. We ultimately chose Polygon because of its mass adoption, market opportunities, stability, and foundation-level support. They provided financial support for both Terra projects and their communities, as well as their support to ensure we continue to build toward our roadmap.
  • One of our most exciting Twitter spaces of the year was with Ryan Wyatt himself, as he welcomed our migrating community and shared his vision for the future of the Polygon NFT ecosystem.

June 2022

  • In specific, we started the #NAP initiative, NFT Alliance on Polygon, to create new partnerships on Polygon and build a community of builders who had a similar vision as us; push NFT innovation forward on Polygon!

July 2022

  • During this time we were also getting to know the Polygon community and building partnerships with native projects such as Crypto Unicorns, Billionaire Zombies Club, and Taunt Battleworld. Multiple collaborations and events were held across NAP communities.

August 2022

  • OnePlanet co-hosted Polygon Connect during the 2022 Korea Blockchain Week in Seoul, as a major partner in the Polygon Ecosystem in Korea. Hundreds of people who are interested in Polygon visited Polygon Connect and the OnePlanet exclusive booth to learn more about Polygon and OnePlanet.
Polygon Connect at KBW 2022
  • In August, we focused on the migration process by creating events through our website and socials. We released a migration guide, so the community could be aware of the timeline and the steps that would be released throughout the following months. Starting with holders being able to preview their NFTs to make sure they had them all accounted for.
  • We invited Narb, Dave Swinbank, The Matic Man, and 100y as OnePlanet Ambassadors to allow us to reach different members of the Polygon community and to provide various types of content to learn about the Polygon Ecosystem.

September 2022

  • On September 6th, our migration page opened its doors for the Terra community, and we welcomed them as our marketplace went live on Polygon. They quickly migrated over 50% of their NFTs within 2 weeks.
  • Co-hosted an AMA with Ryan Wyatt to celebrate our launching on Polygon!
  • Shortly after, we released our notifications feature, so collectors can have a better experience with their activity when making offers or when their listing expires.
  • We continued to partner up and list Polygon-native projects such as TRACER and Epic League: Dark Throne. The HellCats collection reached 200k $MATIC in sales, and we participated in conversations with Polygon DAO in their expert talks on Twitter Space.

October 2022

  • Along with the listing of the most trending Polygon projects like Reddit Collectible Avatars, OnePlanet introduced many new crucial feature updates:
  • ERC-1155 Integration: As the use cases of ERC-1155 NFTs increase, we introduced support for them in our marketplace for our community to trade. Customers can now easily purchase ERC-1155 NFTs, such as game items or community-exclusive memberships by setting the quantity as users want or in bulk.
  • NFT Lock Status: Some game NFTs must be ‘locked’ for in-game usage, and their trading is not possible in the marketplace when locked. OnePlanet provides a function to check the NFT’s lock status to inform the user in advance that the existing listed item can be automatically invalidated or the listing is not possible. This feature can prevent cases where the floor price of projects is being attacked through listings of locked NFTs at an unreasonable price or buyers have to go through transaction fails of locked NFTs.
  • ‘Project’ Page Creation: ‘Project’ page for multi-collection projects has been created to allow users to check multiple collections and NFTs under one project on a single page, providing better accessibility for projects with many collections.

November 2022

  • The first experience with our launchpad on Polygon started with the RandomBox mint from Derby Stars on November 11th, and it sold out in less than a minute.
  • We released a new feature; projects can now use the custom token issued by themselves in the OnePlanet marketplace to trade their NFT collections. The first token to use this integration is $TOWER powered by Animoca Brands, which is a utility token used in the Tower Platform including Crazy Defense Heroes, one of the top Polygon games with over 20M downloads.
  • In an effort to continue to add utility and exposure to our partners, we gained access to an exclusive showcase of the OnePlanet Art Gallery with Polygon and Space Metaverse.

December 2022

  • We partnered up with Modhaus for their ‘tripleS Event Gravity’ and created a unique event page in our platform to help tripleS fans easily view the voting results from their blockchain-based voting system, Gravity.
  • A new Reveal feature was implemented on OnePlanet, which makes us the first NFT marketplace supporting the generative NFT reveal and management. As a one-stop platform, we strive to provide tools to utilize NFTs in all stages and to provide an easy and seamless experience for users. As with the unboxing of the Derby Stars RandomBox NFT, those holders can see if they had minted a horse or a starter pack. This reveal tool can now be used by any project going through our launchpad.
  • We could not have written this script any better to end the year, as we bring you a partnership with the Sandbox Network. They have already shown their content prowess across various industries and will undoubtedly bring that same level of creativity to web3.
Special thanks to all of our partners!

In conclusion, it has been a year filled with ups and downs. But even in the face of these challenges, we saw many people continue to build and extend their support in order to continue the progress of web3 and NFTs. As we look ahead to 2023, let us continue to work together to capitalize on what we have created and provide a brighter future for everyone.

We would love to continue our growth with more projects!

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