Recap on Ark*One — What you need to know

Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2022

The sudden collapse of the Terra ecosystem left a plethora of innovative NFT projects and their communities stranded in the wreckage.

In search of light within the abyss, OnePlanet has taken the lead and built its own version of Noah’s Ark to rescue Terra’s burgeoning NFT biodiversity and take it to a new home.

The project is called Ark*One, and has grown to become much more than a salvage operation as the NFT universe is in dire need of a fully decentralized NFT launchpad and marketplace like OP.

If you want to know what Ark*One is and why its migrating to Polygon, check out our detailed medium articles.

In this short Q&A, we hope to bring you the recap you need to catch up on the migration and what this means for existing Terra NFT projects and for the Polygon NFT ecosystem as a whole.

Can I still join Ark*One?

Applications to Ark*One officially closed on June 15th, including the financial support provided by our partners Polygon Studios.

We will still provide technical support for projects who want to migrate from Terra and will also use our regular launchpad application for new projects that want to launch on Polygon.

How many projects joined Ark*One?

A total of 48 NFT projects, encompassing 90 NFT collections have applied for the mass salvage operation. This represents a large proportion of Terra projects, including some that did not launch on One Planet before the cataclysmic de-peg event.

Some of these include P2E metaverse Lunaverse, the A.I. generated NFT universe DystopAI, as well as some of Terra’s more successful PFP collections Hellcats and Babybulls, just to name a few!

“And they all went into the ark, For to get out of the rain.”

How many people are working on Ark*One?

Our 27-strong team of devs, managers and communicators are working hard behind the scenes to make this migration project reality.

Our vision is to add value to the NFT universe by giving the best Terra NFT projects a lifeline while bringing our decentralized launchpad and marketplace into Polygon.

We want to be the number one NFT project facilitator on Polygon, working together with ‘la crème’ of NFT projects to help them realize their own vision.

How else is OnePlanet supporting migrating projects and growing the Polygon ecosystem?

Ark*One has taken off on its journey, so keeping everyone informed is critical.

Our marketing and communications teams are keeping the community updated and engaged through regular Twitter spaces, discord updates (including Poker nights!) and comprehensive medium articles.

Meanwhile, our technical team is steadily transitioning into EVM, and we are expecting to deliver a stable and reliable platform on our launch date.

This includes solving the complexities of taking a snapshot of the Terra blockchain including NFTs that were wrapped within the many NFT marketplaces of Terra at the time.

When will OnePlanet launch on Polygon?

We are tentatively hoping for mid August.

What are the next steps for Terra NFT holders?

We want to make the landing process as smooth as possible for Terra NFT holders, so we gamified the process by making the transition tasks like creating a Polygon address into missions where you can earn $MATIC tokens in the process.

Jump to the Road to Polygon section for more details.

However, to give you a summary of what is going to happen, you will be able to link your Terra wallet address with a Polygon address to migrate any eligible NFTs belonging to the projects that joined Ark*One before we launch our marketplace.

A list of all wallets supporting the Polygon Network is available here.

Once our marketplace is open, you will be able to trade your existing NFTs on the Polygon network with all members of the Polygon NFT community.

Remember, unlike UST payments on Terra Classic, gas fees on Polygon are paid in $MATIC tokens, which you can earn by participating on our Road to Polygon migration campaign

Will I need $MATIC tokens to receive my NFT?

The OnePlanet team will take care of paying any transaction fees for migrating the NFTs on the Polygon side, but users will need to acquire $MATIC tokens to trade on the network.

You only need a couple of cents worth of $MATIC to pay for transaction fees, but to make sure everyone is included, we are giving away $MATIC tokens for completing the missions available through our Road to Polygon migration campaign.

What is the Road to Polygon campaign?

This is the name of our gamified community transition program that is essential in making our community’s transition seamless, especially considering that the Terra crash has left many of us scrambling for an IRL job to pay the bills.

The campaign is composed of five missions, where you will be able to earn $MATIC tokens for completing tasks that are ultimately part of the migration, such as creating and linking wallet addresses, and most importantly, migrating your NFTs.

There will also be engagement tasks to ensure we don’t land on Polygon quietly. After all, we are joining an already burgeoning NFT ecosystem making it an essential part of a successful migration.

More than 17k users participated in the first mission which saw 500 winners earning 20 $MATIC.

There will be another four missions, so keep your eyes peeled on our Twitter or Discord for more announcements.

What is Mission 2 of Road to Polygon campaign?

Mission 2 is coming out shortly, and will involve viewing the web page for specific NFT projects, answering quizzes pertaining migration, NFT projects that are part of N.A.P, and you will have a chance to win additional prizes.

How can we be so sure we’re gonna be a hit on Polygon?

Not only has Polygon Studios partnered with us, providing migrating Ark*One teams with funding, but we have received many applications from NFT projects on Polygon who want to launch with OP and be part of our marketplace.

As part of the NFT Alliance on Polygon (N.A.P), a group of projects got together to make Polygon NFT ecosystem thrive, we have now secured partnerships with up and coming and established Polygon entities like Crypto Unicorns, Polygon DAO, and Derby Stars!

Anyone can also be part of Polygon NFT community by joining the Polygon NFT ecosystem Telegram chat.

If this is not a reason for hype, not sure what is!

I hate reading, can I listen to all this info?

At Terra Classic we were fortunate to have the amazing TerraSpaces who sweeps the Twitter floor recording all of our community spaces and AMAs, including our latest one on Ark*One, which you can listen to here.

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