Did You Know — IV

1 min readNov 30, 2016


1. Radishes were paid as wages to the ancient Egyptian laborers who built the pyramids.

2. While cooking cabbage, it is advisable that utensils made of aluminium are not used, as aluminium cookware might cause chemical reaction that discolors the vegetables and also alter the flavor.

3. Eggplant is known as “crazy apple” in Italy due to widespread belief that diet rich in eggplants leads to madness.

4. Broccoli was once considered ‘exotic’ in home gardens.

5. The city of Chicago is named after garlic. ‘Chicagaoua’ was the Indian word for wild garlic.

6. Corn is a member of the grass family.

7. Eating lots of carrots can sometimes cause a person’s skin to yellowish orange.

8. Mushrooms have their own immune system.

9. Most of the nutrients in a potato reside just below the skin layer.

10. An apple wakes you up better than coffee.

