Mastering the Artistic Journey: 7 Goals I Have Set as an Artist in 2024

5 min readJan 8, 2024


Hey there, fellow art adventurers! Today, I will talk to you about my very-new-yet-life-long artistic journey, and how I plan to master it by following the 7 goals I have set as an artist in 2024. So grab your paint brushes, acrylic paints tubes, digital pen and tablet, HB pencils, canvases, and let’s embark on this epic journey together.

Photo by Dillon Wanner on Unsplash

1. Dropping the “Aspiring” title.

I will not call myself an “aspiring artist”, because I am already an artist. I always have been. Limiting myself with a label that implies I am still in the process of becoming something sounds like an excuse to not go all in. You know?

The way I see it, every doodle, messy brush stroke, or imaginative idea I bring to life is proof that I am an artist. Yeah, maybe not the best artist, not even a good one yet, but an artist nevertheless.

Reminder to self (and you too), it’s not just about the destination or the finished art piece; it’s about the joy of creating, expressing, and sharing our unique perspective with the world.

“Journey before destination” — Ali Abdaal

Photo by Rachael Gorjestani on Unsplash

2. Expanding my creative toolbox.

Creativity has no boundaries, and in 2024, I’m ready to explore uncharted territories, I am ready to expand my creative toolbox like a crazy mad scientist. What’s the worst that can happen? Have an unfinished piece that looks bad? Okay, and?

I’ll try everything that I wanted to try but was scared to, from painting on canvases with fancy paints to sculpting with messy clay, from starting a physical sketchbook to drawing doodles on my freshly painted bedroom walls (yup, you read that right). I’m on a mission to try it all.

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?” — Vincent van Gogh

Photo by Matthieu Comoy on Unsplash

3. Show my work.

I have always been scared to share my art and my work in general because “I’m not there yet”, but that’s silly, I’ll never be “ready”, because I am always learning, and that’s a good thing. So I will start sharing my work and process (like I’m doing right now, writing isn’t my forte, but I’m doing it anyway)

“You can’t be content with mastery; you have to push yourself to become a student again” — Austin Kleon

Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

4. Networking, collaborating, and high-fiving other creatives.

Art is very personal, but it is never meant to be solitary. We are humans (an aliens), we like (or have to) socialise and share our thoughts and work. So, I’ll start networking, collaborating, and high-fiving other creatives.

This is why I just started Opalettu. I want to create a cool and fun online community, a safe space for geeks, nerds, artists and misfits. You are more than welcome to join *wink wink*

“Networking is a lot like nutrition and fitness: we know what to do, the hard part is making it a top priority” — Herminia Ibarra

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

5. Figure my own art style.

This is a personal one and it differs from person to another, but I realised that I won’t find my style if I keep just thinking about it, I need to “do” more.

So, I’ll be drawing, doodling, painting way more than I did in previous years. I will start a sketchbook and not be afraid as I welcome messiness and “failures” like I did when I was younger, and I will learn the rules to break them (because that’s the fun part)

“Inspiration doesn’t follow style, it creates it” — Darby Bannard

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

6. The true investment.

Learning and more learning please. It is vital for us as humans in general and as artists specifically, I have set a goal in 2024 to take more online courses, to attend workshops, conferences, or masterclasses, to seek out artists or industry experts who offer mentorship or coaching programs. I am diving deep into the technical aspects way more this year, and I will read and learn about the business side of things too.

“An investment in self-development pays the highest dividends” — Debasish Mridha

Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

7. Balance is key.

Being an artist is like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle… on a tightrope! Finding this balance between passion and practicality. The balance between having fun and doing what I need to do. Is it a hobby or is it work? It’s hard, but important.

Time management, financial stability, and self-care. They’re all key to happiness, and I know deep down I can’t live with one and not the other.

“Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life” — Dolly Parton

You can also read: 70 Goals to Make 2024 Better Than 2023

So, as we embark on this whimsical journey through 2024, let’s not forget to smile or even laugh, let our creativity run wild, embrace the joy of little things, and do. not. fear. failure. The world is our canvas!




A very geeky digital artist, creating a safe space for geeks, nerds, artists, and misfits.